Withdrawing From ALL Classes

Please note: The instructions below are intended for students that are withdrawing from ALL classes for the semester and will not remain enrolled in any classes. Students cannot withdraw from a semester where they have completed a class and/or earned a grade.

Prior to withdrawing to zero credits, please review the following webpage: Dropping Classes or Withdrawing from the University.

After submission, your withdrawal form will be routed to a variety of on-campus departments (e.g. Financial Aid & Scholarships, Residence Life, etc.) for processing. After all relevant departments have reviewed, your withdrawal request will be processed and you will be removed from classes. Please allow a minimum of two weeks for processing.

You are always welcome to return to NDSU! Further information and reminders about this process may be found here: Returning Students – Transfers (in/out).

Withdrawal Instructions:

  1. Log into Campus Connection
  2. Click on the NDSU eForms tile as shown below
  3. On the left side of the page, under "Registration and Records", click on the "Cancel/Withdraw to Zero" form

After submission, your withdrawal form will be routed to a variety of on-campus departments for processing. Allow a minimum of two weeks for processing and up to four weeks if you receive Federal Financial Aid.


Additional Information


  • Withdrawing: Withdrawing occurs when a student cancels their registration in all classes (i.e., withdrawing to zero credits) and discontinues their studies for the semester. Withdrawals result in a 100%, 75%, 50% or 0% refund of tuition and fees, depending on the date of the withdrawal form submission.
  • Dropping: Dropping occurs when a student wishes to discontinue enrollment in a particular class, but remains enrolled in at least one other class during the term. Dropping results in either a 100% or 0% refund—there are no partial refunds for dropped classes. Refund eligibility depends on the date of the drop and the percentage of class time elapsed.


  • Students are responsible for reviewing and adhering to all published deadlines.
  • Refunds are date driven and based off of North Dakota State Board of Higher Education Refund Policy 830.2 and the North Dakota University System Refund Procedure 830.2.
  • Withdrawals must be submitted prior to the last day to drop. Any withdrawals submitted after this deadline will require an appeal and supporting documentation of extenuating circumstances. Appeals are not guaranteed to be approved.

Implications of Withdrawing

  • Courses withdrawn after the last day for no-record drop will received a "W". The "W" does not impact GPA, but indicates that a student was enrolled in the course and dropped after the last day for no-record drop.
  • Collaborative, Tri-College and Coop/Internship credits will also be withdrawn.
  • Refunds: Refunds for withdrawals are prorated based on the length of the course and the date of withdrawal. The term withdrawal refund schedule is available at One Stop.
  • Financial Aid: Financial aid recipients may have all or a portion of their financial aid returned based on the date of withdrawal and/or class attendance, which could result in a balance owed to the University. A withdrawal may affect future eligibility for financial aid. Please refer to the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress.
  • Residence Life: If the student lives in a residence hall, check out with hall staff within 24 hours of submitting the withdrawal form. Students in university apartments should contact the Office of Residence Life directly at West Bison Court, 701-231-7557.
  • Military: If students are withdrawing due to military deployment/activation, see these outlined procedures.

Please contact One Stop for further questions.