Index By Policy Number
Section 1: General Employment
Recruitment and Hiring
100 - Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination
100.1 - Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disabilities and Reasonable Accommodation
100.2 - Use of Service and Assistance Animals
101 - Personnel Definitions
101.1 - Employee Group Definitions
103 - Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Policy on the Announcement of Position Openings
103.1 - Recruitment for Executive/Administrative/Managerial, Academic Staff and Other Non-Banded Positions (0000, 1000 and 2000 positions)
104 - Recruitment Period for Position Announcements
107 - Employment Qualifications
109 - Employment Eligibility Verification
110 - Employment of Relatives
111 - Positions Funded by Federal and Grant Money
112 - Pre-Employment and Current Employee Criminal Record Disclosure
Payroll Procedures
120 - Employee Information
121 - Partial Pay and Hourly Rate Calculations
122 - Payroll Checks - Distribution
125 - Payroll Taxes
127 - Salary or Stipend - Part-Time Academic Staff or Graduate Assistant
128 - Timekeeping for Hourly Employees
129 - Salary Administration Policy
129.1 - Compensation in Lieu of Pay
Fringe Benefits
130 - Annual Leave
131 - Annuities (Tax Shelter)
132 - Developmental Leave
133 - Educational Policy
133.1 - Tuition Waiver - Spouse/Partner and Dependents
134 - Faculty/Staff Assistance
134.1 - Workplace and Family/Dependent Responsibilities
134.2 - Lactation Policy
135 - Family Medical Leave
136 - Flexible Spending Accounts Program
137 - Holidays
138 - Insurance Benefits
139 - Leave With Pay
140 - Re-Employment Benefits
141 - Retirement Services
142 - Retirement Plans
143 - Sick/Dependent Leave
144 - Worker's Compensation
144.1 - Temporary Change of Work Location
145 - Unemployment Coverage
146 - Military Leave
147 - Leave Sharing Program
148 - Payroll Deduction Services
149 - Leave Without Pay
Employee Responsibilities/Activities
150 - Commercial and Fundraising Activities
151 - Code of Conduct
151.1 - External Activities and Conflicts of Interest
152 - External Professional Activities
152.2 - Membership in Professional and Service Organizations
152.3 - Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs
153 - Tobacco/Nicotine-Free Campus
154 - Freedom of Speech, Expression, and Assembly
154.1 - Sale or Distribution of Racially and Sexually Offensive Material
155 - Alcohol and Other Drugs: Unlawful and Unauthorized Use by Students and Employees
156 - Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Complaint Procedures
156.1 - Title IX Complaint Procedures
157 - Grievance Procedures
158 - Acceptable Use of Electronic Communications Devices
158.1 - E-Mail as an Official Communication Method for Employees
159 - Injury Claims Against NDSU and State Risk Financing
160 - Political Activities and Voting Rights of University Employees
161 - Fitness for Duty
161.1 - Drug and Alcohol Testing
162 - Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Sexual Misconduct
162.1 - Consensual Relationships
163.1 - Workplace Violence
164 - Emergency Procedures
166 - University Health and Safety Policy
166.1 - Institutional Safety
167 - Responsibility Reviews for Non-Faculty Personnel
168 - Reasonable Accommodation on the Basis of Disability - Guidelines for Employee Requests
169 - Employee Responsibility and Activities: Theft and Fraud
169.1 - Employee Misuse of Property Reports - Protections
170 - Payment of Meals for Staff and Guests
171 - Staff and Faculty Recruitment and Moving Expenses
Resignation, Separation, and Termination
180 - Separation Procedure
181 - Resignation
182 - Severance Pay Policy
183 - Nonrenewal and Dismissal of Nonbanded, Nonacademic Staff
184 - Death Settlement
190 - Employee Responsibility and Activities: Intellectual Property
Section 2: Broadbanded Staff Employment
Recruitment and Employment
200 - Recruitment for Professional Staff Positions (Banded 1000 and 3000 Positions)
201 - Recruitment for Broadbanded Staff Positions (Banded 4000-7000 Positions)
Compensation and Fringe Benefits
212 - Overtime
213 - Rest Periods
214 - Work Week
Conditions of Employment
220 - Staff Job Discipline/Dismissal
220.1 - Administrative Leave
221 - Broadbanded Staff Responsibility Review
222 - Broadbanded Staff Probationary Period
223 - Reduction In Force
Employee Rights
230 - Grievance Procedure for Conditions of Employment
231 - Appeal Procedure for Disciplinary and Reduction In Force Actions
Change in Employment Status
240 - Changing Positions - Staff
241 - Broadbanding Policy
Section 3: Non Banded Staff Employment (Faculty and Other)
Recruitment and Employment
300 - Appointment Authority and Procedure - Non-Banded Employees
304 - Academic Staff and Executive/Administrative Positions - Procedures for Filling
305 - Health Insurance for International Scholars
309 - Minimum Qualifications for Instructional Faculty
Compensation and Fringe Benefits
310 - Base Salary
311 - Summer Session Teaching Salary
313 - Annual Leave and Sick Leave
Responsibilities and Activities
320 - Faculty Obligations and Time Requirements
321 - Service
322 - Equitable and Transparent Faculty Workloads
323 - Selection of Textbooks and Other Curricular Materials
324 - Oath for Teachers
325 - Academic Freedom
326 - Academic Misconduct
327 - Evaluation of Academic Administrators
329 - Course Fees
330 - Student Advising and Counseling
331 - Classroom Assignments, Class Lists, and Instructor Initiated Drop Policy
331.1 - Course Syllabus
331.2 - Instructors and Students As Family/Household Members
332 - Assessment of Teaching
333 - Class Attendance
334 - Student Travel Policy (was previously Policy 611 formerly titled Field Trips)
334.1 - International Travel for Students (was previously Policy 611.1)
335 - Code of Academic Responsibility and Conduct
336 - Examinations and Grading
337 - Grade Appeals Board
338 - Scheduling of Classrooms
339 - NDSU Policy on Communication Proficiency
340 - Copyrights (replaced by Policy 190 - Intellectual Property)
340.1 - Coursepacks
341 - Patents (replaced by Policy 190 - Intellectual Property)
342 - Ownership of Work Products of Teaching Assistants (replaced by Policy 190 - Intellectual Property)
343 - Confidential Proprietary Information
344 - Classified Research
345 - Research Involving Human Participants
346 - Animal Welfare
347 - Institutional Biosafety Committee
348 - Instruction in the Responsible Conduct of Research
Promotion and Tenure
350.1 - Board Regulations on Academic Freedom and Tenure; Academic Appointments
350.2 - Board Regulations on Standing Committee on Faculty Rights
350.3 - Board Regulations on Non-renewal, Termination or Dismissal of Faculty
350.4 - Board Regulations on Hearings and Appeals
350.5 - Mediation
352 - Promotion, Tenure and Evaluation
353 - Grievances - Faculty
360 - Early Retirement
361 - Emeritus Titles
Section 4: Purchasing
400 - Purchasing - General Policies
401 - Leasing Policy
404 - Receipt and Inspection
405 - Emergency Purchasing
406 - Surplus Property
407 - Auxiliary Exclusive Services
Section 5: Accounting
500 - General Ledger
501 - Petty Cash and Change Fund
502 - Bank and Investment Accounts
503 - Receipting
504 - Accounts Receivable
505 - Property, Plant and Equipment
506 - Accounts Payable
507 - Budgeting
508 - Taxes
509 - Electronic Financial Transaction Policy
513 - NDSU Collection Policy
515 - Travel - Employees
516 - Travel - Non-Employees
Section 6: Student Affairs
600 - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)
601 - Code of Student Conduct
601.1 - Behavior Intervention Team
602 - Transcripts and Registration Restrictions for Delinquent Loans and Charge Accounts
604 - Jurisdiction of the Vice Provost for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management - Student Conduct Code Violations
605 - Student Publications
606 - Guidelines for Student Requests for Reasonable Accommodation
606.1 - Course Substitution
606.2 - Confidentiality of Documentation
606.3 - Reduced Course Load
607 - Admission & Re-Enrollment Safety Risks; Background Checks
608 - Suicide Threat Response Policy
609 - EMail as an Official Communication Method to Students
610 - Missing Student Notification
611 - Student Travel Policy (is now Policy 334)
611.1 - International Travel for Students (is now Policy 334.1)
612 - Immunization Requirements
Section 7: General Administration
700 - Services and Facilities Usage
700.1 - Use of University Name
700.2 - Taking Equipment Off-Campus
700.3 - Personal Use of State Property
701 - Unified Communication Services and Infrastructure
702 - Mail
703 - Bison Card Terms and Conditions
705 - Parking
706 - Traffic and Safety/University Police
707 - Access Control and Building Security
708 - Campus Maintenance and Service Requests
709 - Facilities Management Motor Garage and Motor Pool
710 - Information Systems and Services
710.1 - Web Advisory Board
711 - Safety Office: Hazardous Materials and Chemical Management/Radiation Safety/Asbestos
712 - Contract Review
712.1 - Legal Representation
713 - Records Management
713.1 - Litigation Hold
714 - Senate Coordinating Council
715 - Space Allocation Policies & Procedures
716 - Nonprofit Entities
717 - Research Units - Establishing/Evaluating
718 - Public/Open/Restricted Records
719 - Internal Auditor's Office
720 - Foundations
721 - Campus Emergency Notification Systems (CENS)
722 - Export Control
723 - Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Section 8: Grant and Contract Accounting
800 - Authorized Representatives
801 - Grant and Contract Administration - General Provisions
802 - Federal Flow-Through Agreements
803 - Restricted Gifts vs. Grant Policy
804 - Allowability of Costs
805 - Allowable Cost Policies - Compensation for Personal Services
806 - Allowable Cost Policies - Summer Salary for Faculty and Staff
807 - Allowable Cost Policies - Overtime Payments Sponsored Agreements
808 - Allowable Cost Policies - Fringe Benefits
809 - Allowable Cost Policies - Travel
810 - Allowable Cost Policies - Equipment
811 - Allowable Cost Policies - Subawards
812 - Allowable Cost Policies - Miscellaneous
813 - Facilities and Administrative Costs
814 - Cost Sharing
815 - Program Income
816 - Rebudgeting on Sponsored Agreements
817 - Cost Corrections
818 - Procurement Standards on Federal Agreements
819 - Property Management Standards
820 - External Audits on Sponsored Agreements
821 - Effort Reporting/Personnel Activity Confirmation
823 - Financial Conflict of Interest - Public Health Service, National Science Foundation or Other Applicable Sponsored Research