Section 3: Non Banded Staff Employment (Faculty and Other)
Recruitment and Employment
300 - Appointment Authority and Procedure - Non-Banded Employees
304 - Academic Staff and Executive/Administrative Positions - Procedures for Filling
305 - Health Insurance for International Scholars
309 - Minimum Qualifications for Instructional Faculty
Compensation and Fringe Benefits
310 - Base Salary
311 - Summer Session Teaching Salary
313 - Annual Leave and Sick Leave
Responsibilities and Activities
320 - Faculty Obligations and Time Requirements
321 - Service
322 - Equitable and Transparent Faculty Workloads
323 - Selection of Textbooks and Other Curricular Materials
324 - Oath for Teachers
325 - Academic Freedom
326 - Academic Misconduct
327 - Evaluation of Academic Administrators
329 - Course Fees
330 - Student Advising and Counseling
331 - Classroom Assignments, Class Lists, and Instructor Initiated Drop Policy
331.1 - Course Syllabus
331.2 - Instructors and Students as Family/Household Members
332 - Assessment of Teaching
333 - Class Attendance
334 - Student Travel Policy (formerly titledField Trips and previously Policy 611)
334.1 - International Travel for Students (previously Policy 611.1)
335 - Academic Integrity in Instructional Contexts
336 - Examinations and Grading
337 - Grade Appeals Board
338 - Scheduling of Classrooms
339 - NDSU Policy on Communication Proficiency
340 - Copyrights (replaced by Policy 190 - Intellectual Property)
340.1 - Coursepacks
341 - Patents (replaced by Policy 190 - Intellectual Property)
342 - Ownership of Work Products of Teaching Assistants (replaced by Policy 190 - Intellectual Property)
343 - Confidential Proprietary Information
344 - Classified Research
345 - Research Involving Human Participants
346 - Animal Welfare
347 - Institutional Biosafety Committee
348 - Instruction in the Responsible Conduct of Research
Promotion and Tenure
350.1 - Board Regulations on Academic Freedom and Tenure; Academic Appointments
350.2 - Board Regulations on Standing Committee on Faculty Rights
350.3 - Board Regulations on Nonrenewal, Termination or Dismissal of Faculty
350.4 - Board Regulations on Hearings and Appeals
350.5 - Mediation
352 - Promotion, Tenure and Evaluation
353 - Grievances - Faculty
360 - Early Retirement
361 - Emeritus Titles