NDSU Policy Manual Preface

The on-line distribution of information is changing many aspects of organizational communications and this electronic version of the NDSU Policy Manual is a good example. The benefits of this change are many. They include costs savings and the promotion of timely and widespread delivery of important information.

This manual governs North Dakota State University including the NDSU Agricultural Experiment Station, the NDSU Extension Service, and the North Dakota Forest Service.

The policies contained within this manual are established by 1) federal and state laws and regulations, 2) the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education, 3) the NDSU Faculty Senate, and 4) the Office of the President. Also included are some operating procedures established by the respective areas to facilitate delivery of a service to the campus community.

The dates in the history section of each policy are normally those dates the policy was approved or amended by the President or State Board of Higher Education. When policies are copied from Board policies, the italicized language is NDSU implementing policy and/or procedure.

There is an unofficial printed copy at the NDSU Library. The development and publication of this Policy Manual is the responsibility of a committee appointed by this office as described in section number 714.


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