Extension Forester
Walster Hall 212
Research interests:
- Dendrochronology of ponderosa pine and bur oak
- Bur oak regeneration
- Riparian forest restoration
- Michigan State University, Forestry, Ph.D. 2001
- West Virginia University, Forestry, M.S.F. 1993
- University of Cincinnati, Chemistry, B.S. 1990
Courses Taught:
- PLSC 219, Introduction to Prairie and Community Forestry
Selected Extension Publications:
- Zeleznik, J.D., and E. E. McGinnis. 2018 Iron chlorosis in trees. NDSU Ext. Bull. F1868. 4p.
- Zeleznik, J.D. 2011. Reviewed 2016. Helping flooded trees and shrubs. NDSU Ext. Bull. H1592. 2p.
- Zeleznik, J.D., and A.D. Bergdahl. 2016. Diagnosing Spruce Disorders in North Dakota. NDSU Ext. Bull. F1818. 8p.
- McGinnis, E., A. Bergdahl, J. Zeleznik, K. Kinzer, and J. Leboldus. 2016. Tree Diagnostic Series. NDSU Ext. publication F1807. (2-sided diagnostic cards)
- F1807-1. Apple scab. J. Zeleznik and K. Kinzer
- F1807-2. Ash anthracnose. J. Zeleznik and K. Kinzer
- F1807-4. Black rot. K. Kinzer and J. Zeleznik
- F1807-5. Cedar-apple rust. A. Bergdahl and J. Zeleznik
- F1807-7. Diplodia tip blight. J. Zeleznik and J. Leboldus
- F1807-9. Eutypella canker of maple. J. Zeleznik and J. Leboldus
- F1807-11. Herbicide damage. A. Bergdahl and J. Zeleznik
- F1807-13 Melampsora leaf rust of cottonwood, aspen & willow. J. Zeleznik and J. Leboldus
- F1807-19. Salt injury. J. Zeleznik and A. Bergdahl
- F1807-21. Stem girdling roots. J. Zeleznik and E. McGinnis
- F1807-23. Winter injury of evergreens. E. McGinnis and J. Zeleznik
- Zeleznik, J., and E. McGinnis. 2016. Tree Planting in North Dakota. NDSU Ext. Bull. F1785. 4p.
- Zeleznik, J.D. 2013. Ash tree identification. NDSU Ext. Bull. F1633. 2p.
- Smith, R., T. Weinmann, and J. Zeleznik. 2013. Basic Guidelines for Pruning Trees and Shrubs. NDSU Ext. Bull. H1036 (Revised). 4p.
- LeBoldus, J.M., A. Bergdahl, J. Knodel, J. Zeleznik. 2013. Dutch Elm Diseases in North Dakota: A New Look. NDSU Ext. Bull. PP1635. 4p.
- Knodel, J.J., J.D. Zeleznik, J.S. Walker, G.M. Fauske, and P.B. Beauzay. 2013. Emerald Ash Borer Biology and Integrated Pest Management in North Dakota. NDSU Ext. Bull. E1634. 8p.
- Zeleznik, J. 2009. Economic impact of emerald ash borer on North Dakota communities, part two. City Scan (magazine of the ND League of Cities). 77(8): 14-15.
- Zeleznik, J. 2009. Economic impact of emerald ash borer on North Dakota communities, part three. City Scan (magazine of the ND League of Cities). 77(9): 20-23.
- Zeleznik, J.D., J.A. Walla, J.J. Knodel, M. Kangas, P.A Glogoza, and C.L. Ruby. 2005. Insect and disease management guide for woody plants in North Dakota. NDSU Ext. Bull. F-1192 (Revised). 52p.
- Zeleznik, J.D., and R. Zollinger. 2004. Weed control in tree plantings. NDSU Ext. Bull. W-1097 (Revised). 22p.
Research Publications:
- Zeleznik, J.D. 2015. [Book review of 'Trees of Eastern North America' and 'Trees of Western North America']. The Prairie Naturalist. 47: 54.
- Wertz, E.L., S. St. George, and J.D. Zeleznik. 2013. Vessel anomalies in Quercus macrocarpa tree rings associated with recent floods along the Red River of the North, United States. Water Resources Research. 49: 630-634.
- Zeleznik, J.D. 2007. Effects of apical meristem loss on sylleptic branching and growth of hybrid poplar. Biomass and Bioenergy. 31: 453-459.
- Zeleznik, J.D., and D.I. Dickmann. 2004. Effects of high temperatures on fine roots of mature red pine (Pinus resinosa) trees. For. Ecol. Manage. 199: 395-409.
Professional memberships and certifications:
- SAF - Society of American Foresters - Member since 1994
- Certified Forester since 2006
- ISA - International Society of Arboriculture - Member since 2002
- Certified Arborist since 2004
- Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) since 2014
- ANREP - Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals - Member since 2003
- NDUCFA - North Dakota Urban and Community Forestry Association - Member since 2003