Program Leader
Natural Resources Management 
205B Morrill Hall
(701) 231-8180 

Research Interests:

  • Wetland Ecology
  • Wetland Assessment and Monitoring 
  • Invasive Species Ecology and Management 
  • Native Prairie and Wetland Restoration 


  • Ph.D., Animal and Range Sciences; North Dakota State University, 2000
  • M.S., Animal and Range Sciences; North Dakota State University, 1995
  • B.S., Biology; Jamestown College, 1991

Courses taught:

  • NRM 402/602, River and Stream Resource Management
  • RNG/NRM/SOIL 454/654, Wetland Resources Management
  • NRM 701, Terrestrial Resources Management
  • RNG 717, Aquatic Vascular Plants 

Selected Publications: 

  • Bansal, S., S. Lishawa, S. Newman, B. Tangen, D. Wilcox, D. Albert, M. Anteau, M. Chimney, R. Cressey, E. DeKeyser, K. Elgersma, S. Finkelstein, J. Freeland, R. Grosshans, P. Klug, D. Larkin, B. Lawrence, G. Linz, J. Marburger, G. Noe, C. Otto, N. Reo, J. Richards, C. Richardson, L. Rodgers, A. Schrank, D. Svedarsky, S. Travis, N. Tuchman, and L. Windham-Meyer.  2019.  Typha (cattail) invasion in North American wetlands: Biology, regional problems, impacts, ecosystem services, and management.  Wetlands 39:645-684.
  • Preister, L., B. Kobiela, C. Dixon, and E.S. DeKeyser.  2019. A model to identify smooth brome elongation using correlation of mean stage count and accumulated growing degree days.  Natural Areas Journal 39:364-371.
  • Altrichter, K.M., E.S. DeKeyser, B. Kobiela, C.L.M. Hargiss. 2018. A comparison of five wetland communities in a North Dakota fen.  Natural Areas Journal 38(4):275-285.
  • Creed, I.F., C.R. Lane, L. Alexander, N. Basu, A. Calhoun, M.J. Cohen, C. Craft, E. D'Amico, E. DeKeyser, L. Fowler, H.E. Golden, J.W. Jawitz, P. Kalla, L.K. Kirkman, M. Lang, S.G. Leibowitz, D.B. Lewis, J. Marton, D.L. McLaughlin, H. Raanan-Kiperwas, M.C. Rains, L. Smith, and J. N. Serran. 2017. Enhancing protections for vulnerable waters. Nature Geoscience. 10:809-815. doi:10.1038/ngeo3041.
  • Ereth, C., J. Hendrickson, D. Kirby, E. DeKeyser, K.K. Sedivec, and M.S. West. 2017. Controlling Kentucky bluegrass with herbicide and burning is influenced by invasion level. Invasive Plant Science and Management. Invasive Plant Science and Management. 10:80-89
  • Link, A., B. Kobiela, S. DeKeyser, and M. Huffington. 2017. Effectiveness of burning, herbicide, and seeding towards restoring rangelands in southeastern North Dakota. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 70:599-603.
  • Hargiss, C.L.M., E.S. DeKeyser, J.E. Norland, and M. Ell. 2017. Comparing tiers of a multi-tiered wetland assessment in the Prairie Pothole Region. Wetlands Ecology and Management. 25:639-647. DOI 10.1007/s11(273) 017-9540-4.
  • Calhoun, A.J.K, D.M. Mushet, L.C. Alexander, E.S. DeKeyser, L. Fowler, C.R. Lane, M.W. Lang, M.C. Rains, S.C. Richter, and S.C. Walls. 2017. The significant surface-water connectivity of "Geographically Isolated Wetlands". Wetlands. 37:801-806. DOI 10.1007/s13(157) 017-0887-3.
  • Strehlow, T., S. DeKeyser, and B. Kobiela. 2017. Estimating wetland restoration costs in southeastern North Dakota. Ecological Restoration. 35:23-32. Strehlow, T., S. DeKeyser, and B. Kobiela. 2017. Managing seedbank composition to enhance wetland restoration. Ecological Restoration. 35:12-16.
  • Kobiela, B., J. Quast, C. Dixon, and E.S. DeKeyser. 2017. Adapting management to target invasive species and improve floristic quality on native prairie remnants in the Northern Great Plains. Natural Areas Journal. 37:150-160.
  • Cohen, M.J., I.F. Creed, L. Alexander, N. Basu, A. Calhoun, C. Craft, E. D'Amico, E. DeKeyser, S. Faulkner, L. Fowler, H.E. Golden, J.W. Jawitz, P. Kalla, L.K. Kirkman, C.R. Lane, M. Lang, S.G. Leibowitz, D.B. Lewis, J. Marton, D.L. McLaughlin, D. Mushet, H. Raanan-Kiperwas, M.C. Rains, L. Smith, and S. Walls. 2016. Do geographically isolated wetlands influence landscape functions? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 113:1978-1986.
  • Dennhardt, L.A., E.S. DeKeyser, S.A. Tennefos, and S.E. Travers. 2016. There is no evidence of geographical patterning among invasive Poa pratensis L. populations in the northern Great Plains. Weed Science.
  • Creuzer, J., C.L.M. Hargiss, J.E. Norland, T. DeSutter, F.X. Casey, E.S. DeKeyser, and M. Ell. 2016. Does increased road dust due to energy development impact wetlands in the Bakken? Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 227:39 1-14.
  • Yellick, A.H., D.L. Jacob, E.S. DeKeyser, C.L.M. Hargiss, L.M. Meyers, M. Ell, L.T. Kissoon, and M.L. Otte. 2016. Multi-element composition of soils of seasonal wetlands across North Dakota, USA. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 188:1-14.
  • Meyers, L.M., A.M. Nahlik, and E.S. DeKeyser. 2016. Relationship between the natural abundance of soil nitrogen isotopes and condition in North Dakota wetlands. Ecological Indicators. 60:394-401.
  • Smith, C., E.S. DeKeyser, C. Dixon, B. Kobiela, and A. Little. 2016. Effects of sediment removal on vegetation communities in Prairie Pothole wetlands in North Dakota. Natural Areas Journal.
  • Renton, D.A., D.M. Mushet, and E.S. DeKeyser. 2015. Climate change and Prairie Pothole wetlands-Mitigating water-level and hydroperiod effects through upland management: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2015-5004, 21 p.
  • Fasching, S., J. Norland, T. DeSutter, S. DeKeyser, F. Casey, and C. Hargiss. 2015. The use of sediment removal to reduce phosphorus levels in wetland soils. Ecological Restoration. 33:131-134.
  • DeKeyser, E.S., L. A. Dennhardt, and J. Hendrickson. 2015. Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) invasion in the Northern Great Plains: A story of rapid dominance in an endangered ecosystem. Invasive Plant Science and Management 8:255-261.
  • Mushet, D.M., A.J.K. Calhoun, E.S. DeKeyser, L. Fowler, L.K. Kirkman, M.W. Lang, L.L. Smith, and S.C. Walls. 2015. Geographically isolated wetlands: Rethinking a misnomer. Wetlands. 35:423-431.
  • Hargiss, C.L.M, and E.S. DeKeyser. 2014. The challenges of conducting environmental research on privately owned land. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 186:979-985. (Advised Hargiss as a PhD student on this project).
  • Meyers L., E. DeKeyser, and J. Norland. 2014. Differences in spatial autocorrelation (Sac), plant species richness and diversity, and plant community composition in grazed and ungrazed grasslands along a moisture gradient, North Dakota, U.S.A. Applied Vegetation Science 17:53-62.
  • DeKeyser, E.S., M. Meehan, G. Clambey, K. Krabbenhoft. 2013. Cool season invasive grasses in Northern Great Plains natural areas. Natural Areas Journal 33:81-90.
  • Meehan, M.A., E.S. DeKeyser, K.K. Sedivec, and J.E. Norland. 2012. Nutritional composition of Sprengel's sedge (Carex sprengelii). Canadian Journal of Plant Science 92:867-871.
  • DeKeyser, S., M. Meehan, K. Sedivec, and C. Lura. 2010. Potential management alternatives for invaded rangelands in the Northern Great Plains. Rangelands 32(5):26-31.
  • Paradeis, B.L., E.S. DeKeyser, D.R. Kirby. 2010. Evaluation of restored and native prairie pothole region plant communities following an environmental gradient. Natural Areas Journal 30:294-304.
  • Alexander, B.W., D. Kirby, M. Biondini, and E. DeKeyser. 2010. Cattle grazing reduces survival and reproduction of the western prairie fringed orchid. The Prairie Naturalist 42:46-49.
  • Alexander, B.W., D. Kirby, M. Biondini, and E. DeKeyser. 2010. In situ development of western prairie fringed orchid seeds, protocorms, and seedlings in grazed and non-grazed prairie. The Prairie Naturalist 42:50-54.
  • Alexander, B.W., D. Kirby, M. Biondini, and E. DeKeyser. 2010. Seed production and maturation of the western prairie fringed orchid. The Prairie Naturalist 42:55-60.
  • DeKeyser, E.S., M. Biondini, D. Kirby, and C.L.M. Hargiss. 2009. Low prairie communities of wetlands as a function of disturbance: Physical parameters. Ecological Indicators 9: 296-306.
  • DeKeyser, S., G. Clambey, K. Krabbenhoft, and J. Ostendorf. 2009. Are changes in species composition on central North Dakota rangelands due to non-use management? Rangelands 31:16-19.


Current Graduate Students: 

  • Dustin Toy, PhD- Ecosystem services provided by farmed wetlands within the Prairie Pothole Region
  • Cheyenne Durant, MS - Native prairie and wetland landscape restoration in southeastern North Dakota
  • Seth Jones, MS - Wetland assessment on United States Fish and Wildlife Service lands in our area
  • Jace Stallman, MS - Prairie restoration 
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