
Substance Use Laws and Policies

Alcohol & Other Drug Prevention Biennial Review

North Dakota State University complies with the Drug-Free School and Campuses Regulation that requires institutions of Higher Education to conduct a biennial review of their Alcohol and Other Drug programs and policies (EDGAR Part 86.100).

The PDF download: 2022 Biennial Review is electronically available with a paper copy provided per request at Student Health Service.

American College Health Association - National College Health Assessment III (ACHA-NCHA III)

The ACHA-NCHA III is a nationally recognized survey that assists in collecting precise data about students’ health habits, behaviors, and perceptions. It captures a wide variety of key health and wellness related topics including: substance use, sexual health, nutrition, exercise, mental health, personal safety, and preventive health practices. NDSU participated for the first time in the Spring of 2021 and will continue implementing on a cyclical basis. 

For more survey results visit the President's Council for Well-being website.

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