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Food Preparation

Stuffed Pepper Soup in a large cup on table next to red and green peppers
Food Preparation Publications
Cabbage varieties may grow as round, flattened or pointed heads. Regular irrigation is needed. If the plant does not get enough moisture from watering, it will taste bitter instead of being sweet, juicy and firm.
Did you know that carrots first were used as a medicine for a variety of ailments, not for eating? Carrots come in more colors than just orange. You can find purple, red, white and yellow varieties of this vegetable.
Popular slicing cucumber varieties include Summer Dance, Sweet Slice, Sweet Success, Tasty Green, General Lee and Straight Eight. Popular varieties for pickling include Homemade Pickles, Calypso and H-19 Little Leaf.
Garlic is easy to grow and adds flavor to recipes with few calories. It can be frozen or dried for later use.
Summer is a great way to enjoy the outdoors and have healthful, flavorful meals. Fruits and vegetables add color, texture, flavor and nutrition without adding many calories.
Many people do not meet the current daily recommendations for fruits (or vegetables). On average, adults need at least 1½ cups of fruit per day.
Fruit is nutritious, colorful and flavorful. Most fruits are naturally low in fat, sodium and calories. Fruit provides many essential nutrients that often are underconsumed, including vitamins C and A and folate, as well as potassium and…
Enjoy fruit at its best with these tips.
Fruit is naturally sweet and provides a source of natural sugar to your diet. Keep bowls of strawberries, grapes, or melon in your refrigerator to they are ready to grab when you are craving a snack
Proper packaging helps keep food from drying out preserves nutritive value, flavor, texture and color.
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