General Education Committee Archives

This web site only displays the past 10 years of archived files. Files older than 10 years are stored offline. Please contact the Office of Registration and Records to request any information not available on this web site.

Core Undergraduate Learning Experiences (CULE)

Information prior to 15 July 2020 update

Courses, existing or new, can be proposed through CourseLeaf using the following syllabi formats based on the categories for which you are submitting in:

For additional information, please refer to the General Education Procedures.

Revalidation of courses approved for General Education happens approximately every five years. To revalidate a course, departments submit course proposals through the CourseLeaf system. The proposal requires a syllabus in the correct format category, including the general education outcomes, and the assessment/evaluation methods that will be used to determine if the outcomes are met. To see the evaluation rubric please refer to General Education Rubric 2018.

The course undergraduate learning outcomes identify the learning outcomes across the on the general education categories.

The committee limits the time period for General Education course review and validation to the fall semester. 

The committee also reviews student appeals for exceptions to General Education Requirements. Submission deadlines are November 15 (fall semester) and April 15 (spring semester).

Currently, the committee is collaborating with the University Assessment Committee for coordinating periodic assessment of students’ attainment of intended student outcomes in general education.

The committee does not meet over the summer.

More information can be found on the General Education Archive.

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