Loan Entrance Counseling
First time loan borrowers must complete the Loan Entrance Counseling before the loan will be disbursed to your student account.
- Federal Direct Loan - Loan Entrance Counseling
- On the website, click on the In School tab. Select the Complete Loan Entrance Counseling. In the section "I am an Undergraduate Student" click on the Log In To Start button.
- Complete this AFTER you are admitted to NDSU
- If you have previously completed Loan Entrance Counseling at another school, you will not need to complete it again.
- Graduate PLUS - Loan Entrance Counseling
- On the website, click on the In School tab. Select the Complete Loan Entrance Counseling. In the section "I am a Graduate or Professional Student" click on the Log In To Start button.
- Nursing Student Loan - Loan Entrance Counseling
- If you need assistance with completing Loan Entrance Counseling for the Nursing Student Loan contact Julie Flakker by email at or call 701-231-7538.
- Must be completed annually for students receiving a Nursing Loan
Exit Counseling
You will need to complete this within 30 days of graduating from NDSU.
- Federal Direct Loan - Exit Counseling
- Grad PLUS - Exit Counseling
- Federal Perkins Loan - Exit Counseling
- You will receive an email from the Student Loan Service Center (SLSC) containing your information.
- Nursing Student Loan - Exit Counseling
- You will receive an email from the Student Loan Service Center (SLSC) containing your information.
*The Student Loan Service Center and ECSI (Educational Computer Systems, Inc.) are trusted contacts for the servicing of Federal Perkins Loans and Federal Nursing Loans.