Metro Area Transit (MATBUS)

NDSU and the City of Fargo has established an agreement with the Metropolitan Area Transit System, better known as “MATBUS” to provide a mass transit solution for NDSU students. MATBUS is the premiere public transit system serving the cities of Fargo and Moorhead with service to West Fargo and Dilworth. The MATBUS system is operated by the cities of Fargo and Moorhead, working together to ensure that comprehensive mass transit services are available across the metro area. MATBUS appreciates its customers’ comments, suggestions, and feedback welcoming everyone to ride with MATBUS.

  • NDSU TransLoc (MATBUS On-Demand powered by TransLoc) is a FREE, on-demand service offered on NDSU campus during the academic year Monday - Friday, from 6:45pm to 10:15pm. This service does not run when classes are not in session. Request your ride through the TransLoc app. The bus can pick up and drop off only within a specific zone that covers NDSU campus and its surrounding area.
  • Early campus closures due to weather will affect the MATBUS routes. If an early campus closure is announced, MATBUS will continue to operate for 60 minutes after the official campus closure time, including all NDSU 30-series routes. For delayed school openings or all day campus closures, please refer to the NDSU homepage for further information.
  • Download an PDF download: NDSU MATBUS Transit Guide
  • MATBUS Connect

U-PASS Program

The U-Pass program offers unlimited rides to NDSU students on any MATBUS route free of charge by  showing a valid NDSU Bison ID card when boarding. Fixed MATBUS routes connect at transfer points, allowing riders to get anywhere being served by simply transferring onto another MATBUS route. No monetary value is ever removed from your Bison ID card when using MATBUS.

Visitors of NDSU using MATBUS

Official visitors to the NDSU campus who do not possess a valid Bison ID card are still welcome to ride on routes 13, 31, 33, 34, and TransLoc free of charge. Simply tell the bus driver you are visiting the NDSU campus.

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