2024-25 Parking Regulations
Dated: July 1, 2024
Supersedes Previous Revision Dated: July 1, 2023
View a Printable Version of the Parking Regulation
These regulations will be enforced in their entirety. Please acquaint yourself with their contents, as unawareness of these regulations will not be considered as justification in citation appeals. It is the responsibility of each member of the University community to read, understand and abide by the regulations.
Regulation Statement
Any motorized vehicle operated on the property of North Dakota State University is subject to all regulations governing parking at the institution. In accordance with NDSU parking regulations, all parking on campus may be restricted to vehicles with permits displayed, required documentation displayed, or electronic authorization through the Passport mobile parking platform to authorize parking in a specific area or to indicate the metered parking fee has been paid. Parking enforcement is conducted the entire year and certain areas are enforced 24-hours per day.
Reason for Regulations
These regulations are a service to North Dakota State University and are intended to protect student and employee pedestrian mobility. Use available parking space in the best interest of the entire University and maximize parking consistent with land needs for the academic function, topography, financial feasibility and maintenance of the campus landscape and infrastructure.
Web Site References
Contact Information
NDSU Parking and Transportation Services, a unit of NDSU Facilities Management Department, is located at the Parking Office, 1801 15th Ave N., Fargo, ND 58102. NDSU Parking and Transportation Services can be contacted via email at ndsu.parking@ndsu.edu or by phone at (701) 231-5771.
Overview – The intent of these parking regulations is to help control and reduce the amount of illegal parking on the NDSU campus by holding offenders accountable for their actions. Illegal parking reduces the amount of available parking and is unfair to those who have purchased NDSU parking permits and adhere to the NDSU parking regulations.
Any motorized vehicle operated on the property of North Dakota State University is subject to all regulations governing parking at the University. The operation of a motorized vehicle on University property is a privilege granted by NDSU and is not an inherent right of any employee, student or guest. Since campus parking is limited, employees and students should carefully consider their needs prior to applying for parking privileges. Said privileges may be denied, revoked, suspended or modified by Parking and Transportation Services.
All employees and students must comply with the parking rules, these regulations and the NDSU Code of Conduct Policy Section 151, as part of their employment, appointment or enrollment. The regulations also apply to guests, vendors and contractors and are considered part of the terms, conditions and permissions to be on the NDSU campus.
All employees, students or guests who choose to park on NDSU property must have a University parking permit or park in one of the seven campus guest pay lots. A parking permit identifies an individual has been granted the privilege of properly parking a vehicle on University property. A parking permit does not guarantee a parking space will be available on the campus. Failure to purchase a permit may result in citation fees or other disciplinary actions at the owner’s expense. Parking enforcement is conducted year-round, 24-hours per day, unless otherwise announced.
The university may amend this regulation, in whole or in part, at any time. Advanced public notice of changes will be provided, when possible.
Applicability – This regulation applies to the drivers, owners, or registrants of all motor vehicles and non-motorized vehicles on the North Dakota State University campus. The person or entity purchasing the parking permit is accountable for all citations and parking related towing, impound and immobilization fees issued against the vehicle.
Proof – The issuance of a citation constitutes sufficient evidence a regulation violation occurred at the location, date and time referenced on the citation.
It is impossible to determine whether or not the citation was on the vehicle when the driver returned. A presumption will, therefore, govern a citation placed on a vehicle will be there when the driver returns.
When it is determined an NDSU student or employee (past or present) has the same physical address or last name as the registered owner of a vehicle with outstanding citations, a review will be performed to determine the responsible party. Based on the information obtained from NDSU and the State Department of Motor Vehicles where the vehicle is licensed, the NDSU employee or student may be held responsible for those citations, rather than the registered owner. Any vehicle found to be registered to a relative of a current or previous NDSU student or employee will become the responsibility of that current or previous NDSU student or employee, unless the registered owner takes responsibility for the parking citation by making payment in full. When no current or previous NDSU student or employee is found, the registered owner/leaser/renter of the vehicle at the time of the citation will become responsible for the parking citation. NDSU students and employees are responsible to inform guests of the NDSU parking regulations, or they may be held responsible for paying parking citations incurred by their guests.
Liability for Protection of Motor Vehicles and Non-Motorized Vehicles – NDSU, its officers, and employees are not liable for the care and/or protection of any motorized, non-motorized vehicle or their contents at any time while it is being operated or parked on/in any area subject to the University’s jurisdiction. Any theft or damage to vehicles should be reported to the NDSU Campus Police at (701) 231-8998.
Procedures – Motor vehicles may park only in locations designated as parking areas by signs and/or street/pavement markings, except when otherwise directed by Parking and Transportation Services or law enforcement officers. Motor vehicles may only park in spaces for which the permit is valid. Valid locations are listed on the permit – for any location, zone, or area not listed on the permit, the permit is inherently not valid. Permits must be clearly visible and displayed in accordance with the instructions stated by Parking and Transportation Services or as detailed on the back of NDSU parking permits. Any vehicle parked in violation in which the driver exits the vehicle is subject to a citation.
Severability – If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of these parking regulations is, for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court or body of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of these parking regulations.
In the absence of a sign at the entrance to a lot, or affixed to parking lot light poles, refer to the NDSU Campus Parking Map.
Parking is prohibited on campus grassed spaces, sidewalks, fire lanes, driving lanes, no parking zones, campus streets and all locations not designated as parking areas by signs and/or pavement markings.
General Parking Information
1. All motor vehicles parking on the NDSU campus are required to have a valid NDSU parking permit displayed and must meet North Dakota Motor Vehicle Department requirements. Students and employees may purchase one (1) parking permit per academic year. Students and employees shall pay any outstanding parking citations in full before they will be allowed to purchase a new NDSU parking permit. NDSU parking permits are the property of NDSU. Authorization through the Passport mobile parking platform or at a pay kiosk satisfies NDSU’s parking permit requirement in the pay lots.
2. Purchase of a parking permit does not guarantee the holder a parking space.
3. The annual parking fee for full-time or part-time students (undergraduate, graduate, research assistants) and full-time or part-time employees (adjunct lecture, postdoctoral, visiting scholars) is set by the NDSU President after recommendations are received from the Campus Space and Facilities Committee of the University Senate. There is a $30 fee charged for the replacement of parking permits.
4. It is preferred permits be hung on rearview mirrors, alternatively it can be displayed on the driver’s side dashboard, face up. Improperly displaying your permit, even when parking in your assigned lot, will result in a citation being issued. Permits must be fully visible to be valid. Refer to the permit placement instructions on the back of your NDSU issued student or employee parking permit. Temporary permits must be printed and displayed face up on the driver’s side dash.
5. Falsifying vehicle registration information, reproducing, defacing, forging, altering, obscuring, transferring, and/or retaining and using a found permit is considered theft of services. The vehicle may be subject to impoundment; criminal charges and/or University sanctions may be filed against the owner/driver in accordance with NDSU Policy, Section 169, and part 3.28 of theCode of Student Conduct.
6. Drivers using NDSU parking permits are required to keep accurate vehicle registration information on file with NDSU Parking and Transportation Services. Drivers shall provide the following vehicle information: license plate, state, make, model, color, and year using the on-line vehicle registration form. In the absence of a license plate the last eight digits of the VIN number can be used. Failure to update and keep accurate vehicle registration may result in an administrative fee.
It is the driver's responsibility to inform NDSU Parking and Transportation Services if a vehicle listed under their account is sold. A bill of sale can be sent to ndsu.parking@ndsu.edu and must include: vehicle information (license plate, make and model), date of sale, first and last name of buyer, mailing address of buyer and be signed by both buyer and seller.
7. NDSU does not allow long-term storage of personal property or the parking of inoperative, junked, abandoned, or vehicles being advertised for sale in campus parking lots, campus streets or vehicle cut-in parking areas on any part of the NDSU campus.
8. When parking in a NDSU campus parking lot, vehicles must be properly parked within the painted lines of an authorized parking space. Failure to do so may result in a hazardous parking citation being issued.
Accessible (Mobility-Impaired) Parking
9. Drivers who want to use university-designated mobility-impaired parking areas must obtain a State Mobility-Impaired Permit from the Department of Motor Vehicles. A mobility-impaired permit must be displayed in conjunction with either a valid NDSU parking permit, the required payment at the pay station kiosk or electronic payment with the Passport mobile parking app. Please refer to the on-line campus parking map for designated mobility-impaired parking areas.
Drivers with short-term medical conditions or injuries may receive more accessible parking options at NDSU Parking and Transportation Services for a maximum of 6 weeks. Appropriate written verification of need from your medical provider is required.
Student Parking
10. Students with valid NDSU parking permits may park in their assigned lots at all times. Students with or without parking permits may additionally park in certain lots from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. weekdays and all day Saturday, Sunday, and official holidays in the following areas: R, RF, T, TA, all pay lots and all employee lots (excluding downtown lots). Please refer to your assigned NDSU parking permit to view all valid parking location(s) for your assigned parking permit. To view all parking lots on-campus, stating locations, classifications and names of each lot, please visit the NDSU Parking Map.
A valid NDSU parking permit allows the permit holder to park at the Wallman Wellness Center (the WE pay lot) for two consecutive hours once daily, Monday – Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Fargo Dome Park & Ride permits are not valid in the Wallman Wellness Center parking lot.
Parking lots/areas enforced 24/7 include: FA lot, HR lot, IFC lot, RE lot, all Park & Ride lots, all UVS lots, State Fleet lots, designated reserved parking, bus stops, all yellow marked curbs, fire lanes, time zones and wherever otherwise posted. All NDSU campus streets are designated ‘No Parking’ at all times, unless otherwise posted.
Undergraduate, graduate, or other students who work for NDSU in a non-benefited capacity are considered students first and are not eligible to purchase a parking permit in an employee parking lot.
For students participating in sanctioned NDSU events, requiring overnight parking accommodations on campus, the following options are available:
- Students who possess a valid NDSU permit (other than Park & Ride) are eligible to park in the designated, overnight parking areas in the
RF or TA student parking lots.
- Students that do not possess an NDSU parking permit may purchase a temporary parking permit for the designated overnight parking spaces in the
RF or TA student parking lots.
When snow removal is necessary, students may be required to move their vehicles for lot cleaning. If they do not move their vehicles when requested, vehicles may be towed at the driver’s expense.
Unaffiliated spouses or dependents who reside in Apartment 1701, Bison Court, Niskanen Apartments, Niskanen Hall or University Village may also purchase a student housing permit. These individuals may also purchase a Dome Overnight (DO) permit valid in the Fargo Dome C lot, 24/7.
Students who leave the university before the end of the regular school year, or who no longer need to park on campus, may be eligible for a pro-rated refund. Pro-rated refunds shall be issued in accordance with the table below. Refunds will be issued only to the registered owner of the permit in the NDSU T2 FLEX System. Refund credits shall not be given to a second party under any circumstances. The permit must be physically returned to NDSU Parking and Transportation Services before any credits will be issued. NDSU is not responsible for permits lost in the mail. Parking permit refunds caused by extraordinary events (e.g., Acts of Nature, Acts of Man) are not guaranteed and are not able to be programmed. Refund solution(s) will be determined and approved at the time of an extraordinary event occurring.
Holidays and Class Breaks
11. Class breaks (i.e. when the University is open) are not considered official holidays; therefore, all parking regulations apply.
During official class breaks, valid NDSU student permits and Park & Ride permits are honored in any student lot on campus. Student lots are identified in yellow on the NDSU Campus Parking Map.
Motorized Cycles
12. At no time are motorized cycles allowed within NDSU parking lots. Motorized cycles are only allowed to park in designated motorized cycle areas at no charge, according to the on-line campus motorcycle parking map.
Employee Parking
13. Employees with valid NDSU parking permits may park in their assigned lots at all times. Employees with or without parking permits may additionally park in certain lots from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. weekdays and all day Saturday, Sunday, and official holidays in the following areas: R, RF, T, TA, all pay lots and all employee lots (excluding downtown lots). Please refer to your assigned NDSU parking permit to view all valid parking location(s) for your assigned parking permit. To view all parking lots on-campus, stating locations, classifications and names of each lot, please see the NDSU Parking map.
A valid NDSU parking permit allows the permit holder to park at the Wallman Wellness Center (the WE pay lot) for two consecutive hours once daily, Monday – Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Fargo Dome Park & Ride permits are not valid in the Wallman Wellness Center parking lot.
All NDSU employee permits are valid in the NDSU downtown lots (excluding BH Visitor spaces) and the Research Park (RP) lot.
Parking lots/areas enforced 24/7 include: FA lot, HR lot, IFC lot, RE lot, all Park & Ride lots, all UVS lots, State Fleet lots, designated reserved parking, bus stops, all yellow marked curbs, fire lanes, time zones and wherever otherwise posted. All NDSU campus streets are designated ‘No Parking’ at all times, unless otherwise posted.
Employees are not authorized refunds for returned parking permits, even if they voluntarily resign from their position at NDSU and must return the permit to their supervisor or the NDSU Parking Office. Employees may purchase a parking permit for half price at the beginning of the second semester of an academic year. This half price offer shall not apply for any employee during the first semester of an academic year. University departments shall not purchase parking permits for full-time, part-time or temporary employees, regardless of funding source. Every NDSU employee is responsible for the purchase of their own NDSU parking permit, to include temporary parking permits. Individuals employed by a temporary staffing agency, not NDSU, shall be considered a guest under these regulations.
Benefited employees, who utilize their education benefits, are eligible to purchase an employee parking permit.
Benefited employees are also eligible to pay their parking permit fee with payroll deductions. Non-benefited or temporary employees are not eligible to pay their parking permit fee with payroll deductions. All benefited employees purchasing a permit between the dates of 7/1 and 1/31 will have the option of choosing 1 or 8 payroll deductions.
All benefited employees purchasing a permit between 2/1 and 5/15, please see the table below for deduction options.
DSV Parking Permits
14. The DSV permit is to be used by members of an NDSU department for conducting official business on campus. A valid NDSU permit (excluding Park & Ride) is required to be displayed with the DSV permit in order to be valid. The DSV permit is allowed in all employee lots, student lots and pay lots, within a properly marked space.
Tenant Employee (Non-NDSU employee) Parking
15. Tenant employees are employees who have offices on the NDSU campus but are not employed by NDSU. Tenant employees with valid NDSU parking permits may park in their assigned lots at all times. Tenant employees with or without parking permits may additionally park in certain lots from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. weekdays and all day Saturday, Sunday, and official holidays in the following areas: R, RF, T, TA, all pay lots and all employee lots (excluding downtown lots). Please refer to your parking permit for all valid locations. To view all parking lots on-campus, stating locations, classifications and names of each lot, please see the NDSU Parking Map.
A valid NDSU parking permit allows the permit holder to park at the Wallman Wellness Center (the WE pay lot) for two consecutive hours once daily, Monday – Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Fargo Dome Park & Ride permits are not valid in the Wallman Wellness Center parking lot.
Parking lots/areas enforced 24/7 include: FA lot, HR lot, IFC lot, RE lot, all Park & Ride lots, all UVS lots, State Fleet lots, designated reserved parking, bus stops, all yellow marked curbs, fire lanes, time zones and wherever otherwise posted. All NDSU campus streets are designated ‘No Parking’ at all times, unless otherwise posted.
Tenant employees are not authorized refunds for parking permits, even if they voluntarily resign from their position. However, tenant employees may purchase a parking permit for half price at the beginning of the second semester of an academic year. This half price offer shall not apply for any tenant employee during the first semester of an academic year.
Note: The term “Tenant Employee” is a term used only by the NDSU Parking Office to categorize customers in its software. This term in no way affects a Tenant Employee’s standing with NDSU.
Special Event and Conference Parking
16. University departments and all other customers planning an event or conference shall contact NDSU Event Services Office to make parking arrangements. Buses, coaches or motor homes of any size shall not park in NDSU parking lots or park on any campus streets. These vehicles shall park at the Fargo Dome in lots C, D or E during normal NDSU business hours (7:00am to 4:30pm). Any deviations shall be requested through NDSU Parking and Transportation Services by completing the Reservation and Request for Event Parking form. Permission shall not be considered ‘official’ unless it is in writing.
Tri College Parking
17. Parking permits from the Tri-College institutions must be clearly displayed and are authorized as follows:
Concordia, MSUM, M State and NDSCS student permits are honored in the R lot, TA lot, and FargoDome lots C, D and E.
Concordia, MSUM, M State and other NDUS campus employee permits are honored in the AE or TA lots.
Individuals with state-issued mobility-impaired permits may park in any mobility-impaired space on campus, provided the Tri-College institution permit and the state-issued mobility-impaired permit are both clearly displayed.
Tri-College Parking guidance above, shall cease December 31, 2024.
Park & Ride (FargoDome) Permits
18. Employee and commuter students are eligible to purchase a Park & Ride permit at a reduced rate. Park & Ride lots “C,” “D” and “E” are located on the south side of the Fargo Dome. Park & Ride permits are invalid in any other location, (i.e. NDSU Wellness Center or NDSU parking lots) and are not valid in conjunction with any other permit (e.g., State Mobility-Impaired, DSV, etc.) Overnight parking is not authorized in Park & Ride lots, vehicles must vacate Park & Ride lots by 9:00pm nightly. Per the annual agreement, Fargo Dome Park & Ride lots will be enforced by NDSU personnel between the hours of 7:00am and 9:30pm Monday through Friday and include the “C”, “D” and “E” lots in their entirety.
No Parking on Campus Streets
19. Campus streets are considered “No Parking” zones, unless otherwise designated as a time zone or a permit required zone.
Bus Stops
20. Bus stops are considered “No Parking” zones at all times.
Pay Lot Parking
21. Paid parking is available in the Memorial Union (MU), Visitor’s (E), T2, Wellness (WE), Peltier Visitor (PV) and Research Park (RP) pay lots. for short duration visits. It is the driver’s responsibility to ensure the correct state and license plate number is entered; enough parking time is purchased; and the transaction is completed prior to leaving the vehicle unattended.
Note: Between November 1st and April 15th, pay lots do not allow overnight parking.
Vendors, Contractors and Consultants
22. Vendors, contractors and consultants, please refer to the NDSU Contractor/Vendor procedures.
23. Parking enforcement is conducted by NDSU Parking and Transportation Services and the University Police. NDSU parking regulations prohibit parking on the NDSU campus without displaying a required permit or obtaining electronic authorization within NDSU’s 7 pay lots. The Agricultural Department plot lands and all access roads encompassed between 18th St. N., Dakota Drive, 19th Ave. N. and 12th Ave N. are for authorized vehicles only.
Click here to view the NDSU Parking violations and established citation amounts.
NDSU reserves the right to suspend or terminate parking privileges on NDSU property of individuals having an excessive unpaid citation balance.
[1] Displaying an altered permit (to include counterfeit, fabricated, or stolen parking permits; which includes pay stations receipts) shall result in a $100 citation loss of parking privileges on all NDSU property and the surrendering of any NDSU parking permits. Other actions may include University disciplinary action and local law enforcement criminal prosecution.
[2] For individuals found parking on any NDSU property after losing these parking privileges, they will receive a $100 Suspended Parking Privileges citation for each subsequent violation, without limit. Those with revoked NDSU parking privileges shall not park anywhere on the NDSU campus, to include downtown NDSU locations, timed-zones, Park & Ride, housing zones and all pay lots. Parking privileges may be reinstated at the beginning of the next permit year.
[3] NDSU Parking and Transportation Services will give written notice of the above mentioned revocations that will include any other sanctions and a deadline for returning the parking permit to the NDSU Parking Office. A $100 fine will be assessed to the vehicle owner’s account for failure to return the NDSU parking permit to the NDSU Parking Office at the allotted time. An additional fine of $100 will be assessed to the vehicle owner’s account for each subsequent parking violation received during the vehicle owner’s parking revocation period.
Warning citations may be issued at the discretion of NDSU Parking & Transportation Services.
Privately owned covered trailers, flatbed trailers, and specialty design trailers shall not be parked anywhere on NDSU property without prior written approval from the NDSU Parking and Transportation Office. The only exceptions are privately owned trailers during dormitory move-in and move-out weekends of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. All trailers shall be off the NDSU property before the beginning of business on the Monday morning after dormitory move-in and move-out weekend.
NDSU department owned covered trailers, flatbed trailers, and specialty design trailers shall be parked at designated locations as directed by the NDSU Parking & Transportation Manager.
Citation Appeals
24. Individuals disagreeing with a citation they have received on the NDSU campus may complete an appeal online by following the instructions on the citation appeal page within seven (7) calendar days of citation issuance. After seven (7) calendar days, the right to appeal is forfeited and the violator is responsible for all fees. The appeal will be administratively reviewed first by NDSU Parking and Transportation Services staff. Appeals are considered on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the established regulations, relevant information provided and citation photos taken by the issuing officers. If you disagree with the result of your appeal, you may request a hearing with the NDSU Parking Appeals Board for an additional review of the citation. The request for a hearing must be made within seven (7) calendar days of the receipt of an appeal denial. All decisions of the NDSU Parking Appeals Board are final. If the initial appeal is not submitted within seven (7) calendar days, the appeal is not eligible for review by the board.
- During the time of the written appeal and NDSU Parking Appeals Board processes, interest is accruing on the citation in question. If the appeal is denied, the individual shall pay the citation cost and all associated interest fees. If the appeal is granted, all citation costs and interest fees are negated.
- NDSU employees do not have legitimate or autonomous authority to void NDSU-issued parking citations. Citations and associated fees can only be voided through the NDSU appeals process.
- If an appeal contains crude, threatening, abusive, or otherwise inappropriate language, it will be immediately denied and may not be submitted to the Appeals Board.
- If at any time an individual interacts with the Parking Office employees in person, or through any electronic means in a crude, threatening, abusive, or otherwise inappropriate manner, any citation appeal will be immediately denied and may not be submitted to the Appeals Board.
- The parking appeals board will meet biannually on the first Wednesday in December and the first Wednesday in May.
- Failure to appear at the parking appeals board will result in your appeal being denied.
25. While operating bicycles on streets, riders must obey appropriate traffic regulations. All bicycles must be parked in outdoor racks provided for that purpose and indicated on the on-line NDSU bike rack map.
Bicycles brought inside, fastened to other objects, or left in such manner as to impede or endanger pedestrian or vehicular traffic, will be subject to impoundment by University Police.
State Fleet Vehicles
26. State of ND fleet vehicles, identified with an alpha-numeric ND license plate (i.e., SF 4321) may only park in spaces within an NDSU parking lot, or in any state fleet reserved space. Per the NDDOT State Fleet Services Policy Manual, the registered individual of a State Fleet vehicle shall be responsible for any parking citations issued.
Motor pool and State Fleet parking lots are only to be used by State Fleet vehicles.
Exception: Individuals renting State Fleet vehicles (short-term) from the NDSU Motor Pool may park their personal vehicle in the State Fleet lot at the FM lot (Thorson Maintenance Center). A temporary permit is required and shall be properly displayed, to park in this State Fleet lot. The NDSU Motor Pool issues the temporary permit at no cost to their customers.
Summer Parking
27. All NDSU parking regulations remain in effect and will be enforced throughout the summer.Valid student parking permits (excluding Park & Ride) are allowed to park in any student lot. Valid employee parking permits (excluding Park & Ride) are allowed to park in any employee lot.
Vehicle Towing
28. NDSU reserves the right to tow any vehicle off NDSU property when it is in the best interest of public safety or NDSU. Once a vehicle has been towed, the right to appeal outstanding citations and towing fees is waived.
Vehicle Immobilizing (Booting)
29. NDSU reserves the right to immobilize any vehicle on the NDSU property in violation of the parking regulation. Once a vehicle has been immobilized, the right to appeal any outstanding citations is waived and all outstanding fees are due, prior to the vehicle being released.