Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH)
The NDSU MPH program received accreditation from the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) December 2022 for the full seven-year term extending through June 2030. Graduates from December 2014 to present are all included in the accredited program time frame and are graduates from an accredited program.
We encourage you to review the 2022 CEPH Full Report of accreditation decision of our program as well as our
2022 Self Study. Further information is available upon request from:
Pamela Jo Johnson, MPH, PhD, FACE
Mary J. Berg Distinguished Professor of Women's Health
Associate Professor and Chair
Department of Public Health
NDSU College of Health Professions
Aldevron Tower 640R
1455 14th Ave N, Fargo, ND 58102
Certified in Public Health (CPH) Credential
The National Board of Public Health Examiners offers the Certified in Public Health (CPH) credential.
Students and alumni of NDSU are eligible to sit for the CPH examination.
As the field of public health grows and its mission becomes more defined, it is crucial for public health professions to demonstrate their commitment to its evolution and the CPH is the next logical step in your professional development. By becoming certified you demonstrate your commitment to keep current on the science, adhere to the professional values and distinguish yourself from other professionals. Through continuing education and ongoing professional development opportunities, the CPH allows you to certify and solidify your dedication. With this, the entire field is elevated to new standards and the health of the public can continue to be enhanced.
Health Education Specialist Credential
The health education profession scientifically validates skills and academic requirements with the credentialing options of the CHES and MCHES. Graduates of the MPH in the Community Health Sciences specialization are trained using the academic requirements to be eligible for these credentials.