MPH Curriculum Requirements

All students who successfully complete the Master of Public Health program must complete at least 18 credits within an area of specialization. Where the foundational courses are designed to focus on core theoretical competencies used in all areas of public health, the specializations focus on applications of these competencies within specific public health practice areas. 

Below are 20 credits of foundational courses required and available through distance education.


  • PH 704: Public Health Management and Policy (3 credits)
  • PH 712: Public Health Research Methods (3 credits)
  • PH 731: Biostatistics (3 credits)
  • PH 741: Social and Behavioral Sciences (3 credits)


  • PH 706: Essentials of Epidemiology (3 credits)
  • PH 675: One Health (2 credits)
  • PH 745: Community Health Leadership (3 credits)


  • PH 741: Social and Behavioral Sciences (3 credits)

PH 794, Applied Practice Experience (APE)/Practicum, 3 credits

Concepts and competencies learned from MPH coursework are integrated through a minimum of 240 hours practicum that provides an opportunity to apply knowledge in a practice setting. A wide range of settings and opportunities are available and are individually tailored to assure competence in general MPH and specialization-specific skills. The practicum is designed to meet student goals, specialization criteria, and the needs of the agencies or institutions involved.  

Most full-time students complete the practicum in the summer between the first and second academic years. However, students are eligible to register for the practicum after they have successfully completed 14 MPH credits.  

Students cannot receive credit for past work experience. Practicum Agreement submission deadlines are the date that online registration opens in Campus Connection for the next semester. 

PH 789, Integrated Learning Experience (ILE), 1 credit

Students must complete an Integrated Learning Experience (ILE) in their last semester in the program which demonstrates synthesis of foundational and specialization competencies selected based on the student’s educational and professional goals. Prior to obtaining approval to register for their ILE, students must work with their advisors to complete the  Request to Register Approval Form.

Completion of the “Request to Register” form will require the following information:

  • A topic, proposal format, brief summary of the written and oral products, and timeline
  • Selected foundational and specialization competencies (see “MPH Competencies” for specific foundational and specialization competencies
  • Schedule of milestones and deadlines, agreed upon by both the student and advisor

Specializations (minimum 18 credits) 

Total = 42 credits

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