COMM 313, Editorial Processes
Instructor: Ross Collins, North Dakota State University, Fargo
Begin with the video! You know editing is important. But is it dramatic?
PowerPoint Presentations:
Want to test your editing skills with a real-world quiz? Complete one of the the Dow Jones Newspaper Fund Editing internship program tests, self-scoring, to see how you'd do!
Copy editing:
Headlines and headings:
Midterm exam review (regular term).
Design and makeup:
10 Common Typographic pitfalls
Includes keystroke combinations for quote, dash, and other substitutions.
Summer session final exam review.
Regular session final exam review.
How they used to look: famous mass media, 1674-1974.
InDesign exercise: Tom Peters.
InDesign exercise: travel tab.
InDesign exercise: fishing newsletter.
InDesign exercise: hobbies newsletter.
InDesign exercise: student broadsheet.