Boo! at NDSU
Boo! at NDSU is a family-friendly carnival and trick-or-treating event open to the public! NDSU student organizations/groups will host booths throughout Cater Hall where children can participate in games, crafts, and other Halloween activities. In addition to the carnival, four residence halls will be open for trick-or-treating (Cater, Sevrinson, Seim, and Thompson).
Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Date: Thursday, October 24, 2024
Time: 5:30pm-7:30pm
Cater Hall (1650 15th Ave N): Carnival & Trick-or-Treating
Seim, Sevrinson, Thompson: Trick-or-Treating
Cost: Free
Parking: Free parking [VIEW MAP] is available in the AR Lot (SE of Mathew Living Learning Center East) or R Lot (East of the RedHawks Stadium).
Trick-or-Treating Map
The Trick-or-Treating map marks participating halls and rooms. Participating rooms will also have a pumpkin sign on their door to show they are handing out candy! This map will also be handed out at Cater Hall.
Feedback Survey
After the event, tell us how we did!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Who can attend Boo! at NDSU?
This event is open to the public as well as the NDSU community—please share with anyone you feel may be interested in attending.
Can children dress up?
YES! Children are encouraged to come in costumes!
How long does it take?
The carnival typically takes about an hour to engage with all booths (depending on the child’s age). Allow additional time for trick-or-treating, or beat the crowds and skip right to trick-or-treating and end with the carnival! Carnival activities are geared towards ages 10 and under, but all ages are welcome.
Contact Information:
Jen Kacere, NDSU Residence Life
jennifer.kacere@ndsu.edu or (701) 231-7700
Sponsored by Residence Life and Athletics.