Summer Housing
The Department of Residence Life provides summer housing in support of the University's mission of teaching, research, and public service. Below are the links and descriptions of the housing we provide.
Student Summer Housing
NDSU provides summer housing for NDSU students who meet at least one of the following eligibility requirements:
- Enrolled in summer school courses
- Living on campus next fall
- Working on campus for a University unit/office/department during the summer
Learn more student summer housing.
Guest Summer Housing
NDSU provides summer housing for individuals who are interning in the area or are in the area for an event related to teaching, research, or public service.
Learn more about guest summer housing.
USA Wrestling Team Housing
NDSU is proud to work with USA Wrestling and look forward to providing housing in the summer of 2025.
Learn more about USA Wrestling summer housing.
Conference and Camp Housing
NDSU is excited to continue our summer camp and conference programming for the summer of 2025.
If your group will be utilizing a variety of on-campus services (dining, housing, meeting/event space, recreational space, etc), please contact:
NDSU Conferences & Event Services
(701) 231-8241 | ndsu.mu.eventservices@ndsu.edu | NDSU Conferences & Events Website
If your group will only be utilizing housing, you may contact Bill Frazier in Residence Life at:
(701) 231-8446 | William.Frazier@ndsu.edu