Student Emergency Fund

We know students sometimes encounter unforeseen catastrophic events which can create financial emergencies. In response, thanks to a generous donor, NDSU has created the Student Emergency Fund to assist students by providing assistance funds in times of crisis. These funds do not need to be repaid and are intended to help students meet unforeseen financial emergencies that might otherwise prevent them from continuing their education.

We understand that every student’s situation is unique and each request will be considered carefully and confidentially. Generally, funds will be within an average range of $50 to $500 per request and will be added to the student's university account for disbursement. The number of students who can be served by the Student Emergency Fund depends on the availability of funds and the urgency of the situation.

Types of expenses generally covered by the Student Emergency Fund, including but not limited to:

  • Replacement of books or other essential academic equipment due to theft, fire, or other disaster
  • Travel related costs related to death or illness in immediate family
  • Costs related to medication or health care
  • Sudden loss of income

Expenses generally NOT covered by the Student Emergency Fund:

  • Tuition, fees, study abroad, insurance
  • Parking tickets or other fines
  • Entertainment, recreation, non-emergency travel
  • Non-essential household or personal expenses


  • Be properly enrolled at North Dakota State University at the time of application for emergency funds
  • Applicant must have an immediate financial hardship resulting from an emergency, accident or other unexpected event
  • Preference will be given to those students who have completed at least one semester successfully while earning a 2.0 GPA or higher at NDSU

Other Information

If you are currently receiving financial aid, please be aware that receiving funding from the Emergency Fund may affect your financial aid package. Applications for emergency funds will be reviewed quickly and, if approved, every attempt will be made to disburse the funds in a timely manner.

All requests will be submitted to and handled by the Director of Financial Aid and Scholarships. The highest level of sensitivity and privacy will be used in reviewing all requests, knowing that the reasons for requests are often linked to very personal matters of our students.

For questions or additional information, please contact Matthew T. Sanchez, Director of Financial Aid and Scholarships or visit with One Stop in the Memorial Union.

Student Emergency Fund Application Form

The emergency fund application is normally only open for the Fall and Spring semesters.