Biosafety Statement

The University Police and Safety Office provides biosafety services and recommendations to all of NDSU’s Departments and researchers.  By making these resources available, it is our goal to put measures into place to make our students, employees, and the environment safer from biohazards utilized in important research that benefits human, animal, and plant health. 

NDSU Links

External Links

Select Agent Program

NDSU is not currently registered as a Select Agent Facility.  If you are thinking about planning a project that would involve work with Select Agents, contact the Safety Office (1-7759) to discuss the requirements that would apply to your project.  You can learn what organisms and toxins have been assigned to the Select Agent list, and an overview of what regulations apply to them by using the links below.

Federal Select Agent Program

Select Agents and Toxins List

Shipping Biological Specimens

  • If you are in need of obtaining training to ship biological specimens, please contact the University Police and Safety Office (1-7759) for recommendations of vendors that supply this training.
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