NDSU's RAD Self-Defense Class for Women!
Learn and discover how your mind and body can work together in various self-defense situations so that you can break through fear and walk with confidence. This class will teach you how to defend yourself and increase your overall self-confidence and self-image.
NDSU's Self-Defense Class for Women is founded on a nationally certified course called, RAD. RAD is the only existing self-defense class with a free lifetime return and practice policy, honored worldwide. RAD is the only self-defense program ever endorsed by the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA), National Academy of Defense Education, the National Self- Defense Institute (NSDI) and Redman Training Gear.
How to Register
The R.A.D. Self-Defense class is a 1-credit class offered here at NDSU. Typically the class is offered in both the fall and spring semesters during the second 8-week session of the semester. Class times may vary each semester but typically the class is held in the late afternoon.
To register, log in to campus connection and under subject, select health, phys ed, and recreation. Then either enter Bakerin instructor last name box or search activity under course keyword. The class is an HPER 112 Activity II class and the topic is listed as ‘self-defense for females’.
The class will be held in the NDSU Wellness Center. If you are not an NDSU student with access to the Wellness Center, we will provide you with temporary access to the Wellness Center.
Please contact the lead instructor if you have any questions.
Are you ready to feel confident?
Each day will consist of understanding, learning, and practicing self-defense moves. The final class will consist of a simulation day where students can willingly participate in scenarios to practice the moves they have learned in a safe & controlled environment.
Lead Instructor – Gennifer Baker – Campus Police Officer Gennifer.Baker@ndsu.edu