Occupational Health and Safety Program

Individuals who have substantial contact with animals must participate in the NDSU Occupational Health and Safety Program.

Additional information can be found on IACUC website: 


To participate in the OHS Program:

  1. The supervisor (of the participating individual) completes the Hazard and Risk Assessment Form
  2. The participating individual completes the Health Assessment Form and
  3. Schedule an appointment with the Safety Office by calling (701) 231-6740

Steps 2-3 must be completed within 30 days of completing the Hazard and Risk Form. If not completed within 30 days, individuals will need to start the process over. No reminders will be sent.

OHS Guidance

Participation in the NDSU Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Program is required before you can begin working with animals. Participation can take up to 20 days. The OHS health assessment review may result in vaccination recommendations which will extend the time it takes to complete participation. Below are tips to help you prepare for OHS participation and avoid delays. 

Obtain your Immunization Records

If immunizations are not up-to-date visit one of the following to have them updated

Complete your Health Assessment form accurately and completely. 

Please note: The Occupational Health and Safety Program does not have access to your personnel files or medical record.  Please answer all questions completely. 

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