Student Sporting Arm Storage
The NDSU Police Department has dedicated space set aside for students who live on campus or in an NDSU associated fraternity or sorority to store their sporting arm(s) and/or ammunition in a safe and secure environment. The space is available 24/7 on a first come/first serve basis.
Before you utilize this service, we ask that you call our office at (701) 231-8998 at least fifteen (15) minutes in advance to make us aware of your pending arrival. When you arrive, leave your sporting arm in your vehicle and enter through the southwest door. You will then be escorted back to your vehicle by an officer so that you can retrieve your cased sporting arm(s). Your sporting arm MUST be cased and unloaded, and every time you pick up or drop off your sporting arm you must have your picture ID to show the officer. When checking your sporting arm back out, you will also need the receipt tag for your item(s) which was provided to you by the officer when the sporting arm was checked in, as well as a completed copy of the Sporting Arms/Ammunition Check-Out form.
Sporting arms we accept for storage:
- Rifles
- Shotguns
- Bows
- Handguns
We also accept ammunition for any of the above listed sporting arms provided space is available.
Before Coming to our Office for the First Time
Each school year, you will need to read, sign, and bring with you the Sporting Arms/Ammunition Signature Form, acknowledging the procedures for use of our sporting arm storage area. For the overall safety and security of all of our campus, these procedures will be strictly adhered to, and administrative and/or legal action may be taken if the procedures are violated.
Our office, located at 1523 12 Ave N, will also be conducting a background check on both the individual bringing in the sporting arm and the sporting arm itself. To help expedite the process, please fill out the Sporting Arms/Ammunition Check-In Form before coming to our office.
The authorization for the storage site is provided by separate written authorization from the Vice President of Finance and Administration and the Director of the University Police and Safety Office in accordance with NDSU Policy Manual Section 706: Traffic and Safety/University Police, sub-section 4. No other permission is being granted and all other possession or use of weapons on University owned or controlled property is prohibited in compliance with the policy.
Sporting Arms/Ammunition - Forms
Sporting Arms/Ammunition Signature