Chase, graffiti and stencil artist

NDSU Visual Arts, in partnership with the American Advertising Federation of North Dakota, welcomes graffiti and stencil artist known as Chase.


With more than 150 murals painted in the greater Los Angeles area and around the world, appearances on TV and in magazines, and with his limited edition items available at select stores world-wide, Chase's work has been seen by millions. The messages in his artwork are designed to not only inspire soul-searching conversations with one's self or with others, but to inspire joy, truth, love and wonder for the world around us.

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Jason Briggs, ceramist

NDSU Visual Arts welcomes ceramist Jason Briggs, March 21-22. Searching for a fresh perspective in art, Briggs is interested in creating objects that inspire the demand to touch. Please join NDSU Visual Arts as we welcome Mr. Briggs to our comunity.

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Dr. Stephen Frech, Poet, Professor, Founder of Oneiros Press

NDSU Visual Arts, in partnership with NDSU English Department, are proud to presents the David Martinson Broadside Workshop featuring poet/artist Dr. Stephen Frech.

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Daniela Deeg, book artist, printmaker, graphic designer

NDSU Visual Arts is pleased to welcome German artist Daniela Deeg as the P.E.A.R.S. Visiting Artist, January 13-29. During her visit, she will produce an artist book based on the text " Der Prinz von Lügenland" (The price of Lying Land) by the German political cabaret artist Erika Mann.

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Jill Johnson, installation artist

Johnson's exhibit, titled Ordinary Vikings, is a cultural exploration of the stories and images that showcase the rich and deep heritage of people of Scandinavian descent. It reflects our distance from nature and our own cultural sense of self.

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Sean Scott & Amy Smith, ceramic artists

NDSU Visual Arts is pleased to welcome talented ceramic artist's Sean Scott and Amy Smith, November 2-3.

Click here to learn more!

James Rosenquist

Celebrated pop artist James Rosenquist will speak with NDSU Visual Arts students on Thursday, October 21 at 2 PM. This lecture is closed to the public.

Click here to learn more!

Jim Falck, painter

Relishing in color, Mr. Falck's beautiful abstract images are based on his personal experiences in different locations around the world and the results are universal expressions of humanity. Falck will spend the week working with students in addition to showcasing his works at an exhibit at the Renaissance Gallery.

Click here to learn more!

Ryan LaBar, ceramist

Ryan LaBar is a contemporary artist that acts as an architect and engineer to create amazing and intricate structural systems. The complex forms of his pieces are metaphors for our times, our bodies, and our philosophies. LaBar will present a public lecture on Tuesday, September 21.

Click here to learn more!

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