Amy Uthus, ceramist

NDSU Visual Arts is pleased to welcome alumni and ceramist Amy Uthus.

Ms. Uthus is a 2007 Magna cum Laude graduate of NDSU Visual Arts who went on to study at the International Ceramics Studio in Kesckemét, Hungary and received her M.F.A. in Artistry-Ceramics from the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth. She is currently the Artist-in-Residence and Education Coordinator at the RDG Dahlquist Art Studio in Des Moines, Iowa.

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Stephen Frech

Stephen Frech has earned degrees from Northwestern University, Washington University in St. Louis, and the University of Cincinnati. He has published three volumes of poetry: Toward Evening and the Day Far Spent (Kent State University Press) won the 1995 Wick Poetry Chapbook Contest;If Not For These Wrinkles of Darkness won the White Pine Press Poetry Prize, published in 2001; and The Dark Villages of Childhood won the 2008 Mississippi Valley Poetry Chapbook Prize. He has a fourth volume titled A Palace of Strangers is No City, a sustained narrative of prose poetry/flash fiction, published by Cervena Barva Press in 2011. He has been the recipient of the Elliston Poetry Writing Fellowship, the Milton Center Post-Graduate Writing Fellowship, and grants from the Ludwig Vogelstein Foundation and the Illinois Art Council.

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Kyle Fokken

Kyle was born in the small farming town of Clara City, Minnesota, a town with little to do but entertain yourself with your imagination. After graduation, he went on to become the first person in his family to go to college. He graduated with honors in 1991 with a BFA in ceramics from Minnesota State University at St. Cloud State. Kyle was twice elected to the Fine Arts Chair of the University Program Board where he recruited and managed a team of student volunteers to curate and maintain the student union gallery and display cases.

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