Membership Policies

Use of the NDSU Wellness Center is a privilege. Individuals not cooperating or adhering to the Wellness Center Code of Conduct may be asked to leave or have their privileges revoked.

Code of Conduct

Wellness Center staff appreciates your cooperation in contributing to a welcoming, friendly and positive environment. Members and participants are expected to:

  • Treat staff, other members and facility with respect.
  • Act in a safe and responsible manner.
  • Refrain from vulgar language. Language deemed offensive to others will not be tolerated.
  • Adhere to all policies and procedures established by the Wellness Center and NDSU.

Members engaging in inappropriate behavior or violating Wellness Center policies may be subject to having their membership revoked and could face University disciplinary action. Noncompliance to any University or Wellness Center policy or procedure is grounds for removal from the facility. When an individual is removed or denied access, that individual is suspended from all wellness programs or activities until they have met with the Director or designee.

Payment Methods

Memberships can be purchased at the Customer Service Desk during regular business hours and can be paid for using cash, check,  or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover). Memberships for faculty and staff can also be purchased through the Wellness Center Web Portal.

Faculty and staff who are fully benefited employees of NDSU may sign up for PDF download: Payroll Deduction payment during their membership. Payroll deduction allows for one half of the monthly membership fee to be deducted each pay period. Faculty and staff that authorize payroll deduction are committed to a minimum of three months before cancellation is allowed.

To sign up, please fill out a payroll deduction authorization form at the Wellness Center. Payroll deduction memberships only begin on the 1st or 16th of each month to align with payroll periods. To gain access before the payroll deduction membership begins, there are three options:

  • Purchase unlimited temporary access valid starting the day of registration through the start date of payroll deduction membership for $20 (regardless of registration date)
  • Purchase a day pass every visit
  • Wait until the payroll deduction membership begins to gain access


Faculty and staff must authorize NDSU to stop deduction by submitting a PDF download: Payroll Deduction Cancellation Form to the Customer Service Desk with a minimum of a three month membership. Forms completed prior to three months will be processed after the three month term has been met. Failure to cancel will result in the continuation of the membership and membership fees.

All memberships may be cancelled for health reasons (doctor's note required), or if the member's NDSU employment terminates.


To inquire about a refund, PDF download: submit a request to the Assistant Director of Membership & Marketing, Merideth Sherlin.


Conflicts regarding membership status are to be referred to the Associate Director. Final decisions may be appealed to the Wellness Center Director.

Facility Access

The Wellness Center is a controlled access building and is solely intended for the use of current NDSU students, along with other authorized members of the NDSU community.

Appropriate identification is required to access the Wellness Center. NDSU ID Cards are required for entry; they are issued by the university, are non-transferable and for the exclusive use of the person named on the card. Wellness Center membership cards are appropriate when issued by Wellness Center staff. ID's will be confiscated (involved parties subject to Wellness Center and NDSU disciplinary action) if presented by anyone other than the owner. The Friendly Reminder Program allows for three entries per semester without a valid NDSU or Wellness ID. Once three uses have been recorded, individuals will not be allowed access without a valid NDSU or Wellness ID.

The Wellness Center reserves the right to request identification at any time. Non-members and those with suspended or expired memberships will not be allowed access to the Wellness Center.

Any misuse of identification and improper entry is subject to disciplinary action, including immediate removal and suspension from the Wellness Center and possibly further university discipline. Photocopies of NDSU ID Cards and federal identification are not acceptable for use by members or guests. Your cooperation in presenting proper identification is expected at all times.


All members will be required to sign a waiver of liability before entry on their first visit.


University guests, NDSU workshop participants, NDSU conferences and NDSU groups must contact the Assistant Director of Membership & Marketing to inquire about group membership options. Group participants will not be allowed access unless accommodations have been arranged by the group's NDSU contact.


Merideth Sherlin
Assistant Director of Membership & Marketing  
(701) 231-5213

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