Tools needed
- pail or other open container at least 1 gallon in size
- shovel or other soil extraction device
- bag(s) for samples (NDSU Soil sample bags or quart size zip lock bag)
- Locate several (2-6) spots in site to be sampled. Spots should represent size of site to be sampled. (the larger the area you are testing, the more samples should be taken.)
- Remove non-soil (grass, thatch, leaves, plastic, etc.) layer from surface of sampling location.
- Use shovel or soil extraction device to remove sample to approximately 6 inches deep.
- Place sample in pail or container.
- Repeat steps 2-4 for remaining sampling spots.
- Stir soil in pail so thoroughly mixed.
- Place at least 1 pint (or fill to the line on the soil bag) of the mixed soil from the collection pail.
- Label paper bag with name, address, sample depth increment, and some sort of sample identifier (GARDEN1, LAWN, etc.)
- Complete the Lawn and Garden Solutions form for each sample submitting for testing.
- You do not need to include the payment for the testing, as we will send an invoice after tests are completed.
How Do I Send Soil Samples?
- Close bag(s) containing soil samples securely.
- Ensure sample bag(s) contain name, address, sample depth increment, and sample identifier.
- Place sample bag(s) in a sturdy box, preferably surrounded by some sort of packing material, and seal up box.
- Include the completed soil information sheet with the sample, and no payment is needed, as you will be sent an invoice when the testing is completed
- Ship via mail or a parcel service to the following address:
Postal Address
NDSU Soil Testing Lab
Dept. 7660
P.O. Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108-6050
Physical address for UPS/FedEx
NDSU Soil Testing Lab
1360 Bolley Drive
103 Waldron Hall
Fargo, ND 58102