A study to evaluate soybean, pinto bean and sunflower plat growth and seed yield response based on timing of planting following application of preplant, low-dose rate of dicamba.
This publication contains updated information for use in backup of the N calculator for sunflower, and also includes information for sunflower growers in the Langdon Region
The North Dakota Sunflower Hybrid Trial Results and Selection guide provide producers with data on sunflower performance throughout North Dakota and gives information about yield and other agronomic traits, for accurate selection of…
This publication provides diagnostic information and images of sunflower nutrient disorders. This publication represents an interdisciplinary and international effort between scientists in the United States and Australia to deliver…
The North Dakota Sunflower Hybrid Trial Results and Selection guide provide producers with data on sunflower performance throughout North Dakota and gives information about yield and other agronomic traits, for accurate selection of…
This publication provides diagnostic information and images of sunflower nutrient disorders. This publication represents an interdisciplinary and international effort between scientists in the United States and Australia to deliver…