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Animal Biosecurity

cow having ear tag scanned

Animal biosecurity is the implementation of measures to prevent disease introduction into a healthy population of animals or limit the spread of disease once introduced.

These resources can help producers, handlers and others implement biosecurity programs.


Animal Biosecurity at Fairs and Shows


Managing Manure for Animal Biosecurity

Farm and Barn Access for Producers

Farm and Barn Access for Visitors

Biosecurity for Transporting Livestock and Poultry for Owners

Biosecurity for Transporting Livestock and Poultry for Transporters

This work is supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture Smith-Lever Special Needs Competitive Grant Program under award 2016-41210-25619.

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Page Portals

Instrucciones para colocarse y retirarse el equipo de protección personal (EPP) en caso de brotes de enfermedades animales (V2242, Junio, 2024)

Esta publicación describe cómo ponerse y quitarse correctamente el equipo de protección personal (EPP) durante los brotes de enfermedades de origen animal.

Cuadro de equipo de protección personal para enfermedades selectas de animales (V2129, Abril 2024)

This chart shows appropriate personal protective equipment for select animal diseases.

Cuadro de desinfectantes para enfermedades selectas de animales (V2128, Abril 2024)

This chart shows effective disinfectants and appropriate contact time for select animal diseases.