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Nutrition & Feeding

calves feeding in barn
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Dry, drought-stressed corn plants exhibit curling and dead leaves with no ear production.
Photo Credit:
Karl Hoppe, NDSU

Beware of Nitrate Poisoning in Livestock

Non-harvested crops under consideration for forage should be analyzed for nitrates to prevent livestock losses.
Beef Cattle Publications
This publication focuses on items a cow-calf operator should consider before choosing a feedlot to custom feed cattle. Custom feeding refers to the practice of sending calves, stockers or yearlings to a commercial feed yard for feeding to…
Describes specifics about a wide array of feeds available to ND beef cattle producers. There is a table including nutrient values of the feeds discussed.
The focus of this publication is to highlight alternative practices for consideration as an alternative to winter animal confinement in a feedlot. Advantages and disadvantages are highlighted based on available research.
The purpose of this publication is to provide annual forage options that can be used in cover crop mixtures for livestock grazing and/or hay production. The use of cover crops in a cropping rotation has been resurrected in recent years due…
CONTENTSProgress Update on the Development of Sweet White Lupin as a New Crop for North Dakota Producers ............. 5Corn Grain Yield Response to Phosphorus and Zinc: Fertilizer Research Summary ............................... 7Soybean…
This publication is intended to familiarize cow-calf producers with the terminology that feedlot managers may use when discussing custom feeding and feedlots.
The objective of this study was to determine if temperature differences in pen types (concrete vs. dirt) influenced cattle behavior, growth performance, and carcass characteristics. Data was collected using temperature loggers placed in…
Containment ponds are constructed at the base of a feedlot’s slope and designed to collect and contain nutrient-loaded runoff. This publication talks about how to manage containment ponds by understanding soil and water relationships,…
North Dakota cattle producers are identifying cattle with superior growth and carcass characteristics by participating in the Dakota Feeder Calf Show. Average profitability between consignments from the top five herds and the bottom five…
The drylot beef cow-calf enterprise is an alternative management system to traditional pasture or range beef production. Strictly defined, it is feeding confined cow-calf pairs in a feedlot environment during part or all of the traditional…
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