Recommendations of the NDBQA Program
Care and Husbandry Practices
Cattle will be handled and transported in such a fashion to minimize stress, injury, and/or bruising.
Strive to keep feed and water handling equipment clean.
Facilities (fences, corrals, load-outs, etc.) should be inspected regularly to ensure proper care and ease of handling.
Biosecurity principles should be maintained for the operation and should include:
- Proper sanitation
- Isolation and acclimation of new animals
- Disease testing
- Vaccination
- Good record keeping
Injectable Animal Health Products
If possible use less reactive animal health products that will cause less injection site tissue damage.
Maintain records of any pesticide/herbicide use on pasture or crops that could potentially lead to violative residues in grazing cattle or feedlot cattle.
Adequate quality control program(s) are in place for incoming feedstuffs. Program(s) should be designed to eliminate contamination from molds,
mycotoxins or chemicals of incoming feed ingredients. Supplier assurance of feed ingredient quality is recommended.
Suspect feedstuffs should be analyzed prior to use.
Feeding by-product ingredients should be supported with sound science.
Feed Additives and Medications
Medicated feed additives will be used in accordance with the FDA Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) regulation.
Follow Judicious Antibiotic Use Guidelines.
Processing/Treatment and Records
Follow all FDA/USDA/EPA guidelines for product(s) utilized.