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Microbiology Scholarships


Please consider supporting one of the microbiology scholarships listed below. We are grateful for your continued support of our students.


Janice Haggart Scholarship

Photo of Janice Haggart

Due to financial restraints, college was only a dream for Janice Haggart. But, NDSU scholarships allowed her the opportunity to pursue undergraduate and graduate degrees. Her education at NDSU provided her with five years of employment as a microbiologist at the North Dakota Public Health Department and 24 years as an Instructor with the Department of Microbiological Sciences at NDSU. Over the years she witnessed excellent students with the same potential as herself - burdened with the reality of financial struggle. Therefore, she wants to support student scholarships by “paying it forward” for future students as well as, by “paying it back” for what the university did for her.



Dr. Berdell Funke Scholarship

Photo of Berdell Funke

Dr. Berdell R. Funke coauthored Microbiology, An Introduction, one of the most widely-used microbiology textbooks in the world, now in its 14th Edition and translated into 12 languages.

During his career at NDSU, Dr. Funke taught introductory microbiology, including laboratory sections; general microbiology; food microbiology; soil microbiology; clinical parasitology; and pathogenic microbiology. As a research scientist in the Agricultural Experiment Station, he also published numerous papers on soil microbiology and food microbiology.

In his honor, the NDSU Department of Microbiological Sciences awards the Berdell Funke Microbiology Scholarship and the Dr. Berdell Funke Medal of Excellence in Microbiology, which is presented to an outstanding graduate.



Beverley Baldwin Scholarship

Image of Beverly Baldwin

This scholarship is given in honor and memory of Beverley Baldwin, a brilliant microbiology educator, and mentor, who inspired generations of scientists. Beverley was a tenured Assistant Professor in the Department of Microbiological Sciences from 1972 to 1997.