The ETC Research Group
ETC stands for Equity, Teaching, Community - These are the core foci of the Condry research group. We pronounce it Et cetera - which also alludes to the different avenues of educational research we are getting involved in.

We undertake discipline-based education research (DBER) with a focus on higher education science classes. We seek to improve education practice through valid, evidence-based data. These improvements will lead to better outcomes and success for our students as they prepare for the unknown challenges and opportunities. We focus on six major areas:
- Using Concept Inventories to assess student learning and misconceptions in order to alter curricula at the program and class levels.
- Implementation and impact of Community Engaged Learning in science curricula.
- Equitable grading strategies in large-enrollment science courses.
- Development of fundamental learning outcomes and concept inventories to help and better understand the teaching of immunology.
- The influence of authentic, inquiry-based science experiences and evidence based communication strategies on the trust of scientific information and personal decision-making related to scientific knowledge.
- Action Research Projects as applied to current course improvement.