FM Schools Collaborations
We are hoping to partner with more schools! Email us if you are an educator interested in collaborating!
Discipline Based Education Research (DBER)
NDSU is home to one of the only interdisplinary graduate DBER programs in the country. Many of my graduate students earn a duel PhD in Microbiology and DBER.
In response to calls for action for undergraduate immunology education, a group of educators from both within and outside of the United States organized an effort to foster communication and sharing of resources. This group, ImmunoReach, was created in order to connect immunology educators, foster collaborations, and share educational resources with a particular emphasis on pedagogical methods that develop skills and conceptual knowledge in undergraduate students.
Research Experience for Undergraduates
Most summers we host an undergraduate student interested in DBER with the CiDER Growing Up STEM REU program, an interdisciplinary REU facilitated by the NDSU DBER group.