Breadcrumb Ag Home Ag Hub Ag Topics Crop Production Drying & Storage Wheat and Barley Page Title Wheat and Barley Banner Text Drying Wheat During a Cool & Late HarvestMalting Barley Requires Special Care When DryingAllowable Storage Time Sections Wheat and Barley Equilibrium Moisture Content Durum Wheat DURUM WHEAT EQUILIBRIUM MOISTURE CONTENTTEMPERATURE (°F) 20°25°30°35°40°45°50°55°60°65°70°75°80°85°90°95°100°R.H.MOISTURE CONTENT (% W.B.)5% Hard Wheat HARD WHEAT EQUILIBRIUM MOISTURE CONTENTTEMPERATURE (°F) 20°25°30°35°40°45°50°55°60°65°70°75°80°85°90°95°100°R.H.MOISTURE CONTENT (% W.B.)5% Soft Wheat Soft wheatSOFT WHEAT EQUILIBRIUM MOISTURE CONTENTTEMPERATURE (°F) 20°25°30°35°40°45°50°55°60°65°70°75°80°85°90°95°100°R.H.MOISTURE CONTENT (% W.B.)5% Barley BARLEY EQUILIBRIUM MOISTURE CONTENTTEMPERATURE (°F) 20°25°30°35°40°45°50°55°60°65°70°75°80°85°90°95°100°R.H.MOISTURE CONTENT (% W.B.)5% Remote video URL Ag Hub Topics Ag Topics Crop Production Crop & Pest Report Subscribe Variety Trials Tools Crops Soybeans Iron Deficiency Chlorosis in Soybean Late Planting Soybean Nitrogen and Soybean Nodulation Results of Foliar Fertilizer Application in Soybean Soybean Aphid - Overwintering Mortality Corn Estimating Corn Grain Yield Seed Corn Maggot Wheat How Heat and Water Stress Effects Wheat Plants in Vegetative Stages Alfalfa Time of Seeding for New Alfalfa Establishment Canola Canola Straight Cut or Swath Scouting for and Treating Canola Flea Beetle Barley Estimating Yield Weed Control Guide Durum Wheat and Barley Control Moisture with Natural Air Drying Scouting for Ergot Drying Wheat or Barley with Heat Grain Stream Sampling and Sampler Construction Small Grain Damage from Frost Dependent on Many Factors Chickpea Dry Edible Bean Harvest Tips for Frozen Dry Edible Beans Field Pea Field Pea and Lentil Root Rot Risk, Diagnosis and Resources Flax Forages Forage Quality of Oat Hay Forage Quality of Barley Hay - Fargo Forage Quality of Barley Hay - Carrington Cool Season Forages for Hay Forage Brassicas for Grazing Sorghum as Silage 2012 Sorghum as Silage 2013 Watch for Poisonous Blister Beetles When Cutting Hay Hemp Seed Hemp for Grain Production in North Dakota Lentils Oats Oat Production in North Dakota Potatoes Fertilizing Potato in North Dakota Heat Crinkle in Emerging Potato Plants Late Blight in Potato Potato Production Problems Herbicide Injury in Potatoes Plant Back of Non-Certified Seed Potato Tubers in North Dakota and Minnesota Tobacco Rattle Virus in Potato Effect of Glyphosate on Potatoes Management of Potato Psyllids Potato Insect Guide Potato Fungicide Guide Potato Weed Control Guide Safflower Safflower Production Sugarbeets Best Management Practices for Highest Returns in Late Planted Sugarbeet Boron/Calcium Deficiency in Drought-Stressed Sugar Beets Cercospora Leaf Spot in Sugarbeet Common Ragweed in Sugarbeet Managing of Rhizoctonia Damping-Off, Crown Rot and Root Rot of Sugarbeet Monitoring and Controlling Sugarbeet Root Maggot Sugarbeet Report What should I do if I have Waterhemp Escapes in Sugarbeet? Sunflowers Estimating Sunflower Yield Harvesting Sunflowers for Silage Planting Sunflower with Attention to Details Sunflower Late Planting Considerations Sunflower Silage Irrigated Sunflowers Other Crops Sorghum Grain Soil Health Aggregation & Erosion Soil Erosion Soil Crusting Soil Compaction Aggregates are a part of soil structure and function Tips for Handling Flooded Soils Groundwater and Soils Soil Water Movements; Gravitational Movement and Capillary Rise Video Water Management Suggestions to Improve Soil Health Soil Fertility Considerations for Use of Enhanced Efficiency Nitrogen Fertilizers Guidelines for Fall N Application in North Dakota Late Wet Spring Soil/Fertilizer Considerations The Cost of Soil Erosion The Relationship of Between Crop Production and Sustainability Soil Biology Saline and Sodic Soils Soil Salinity Soil Sodicity Soil Salinity and Sodicity Challenges Soil Sodicity and Its Management What Should We Do First On Sodic Soils? Organic Matter & Soil The Fertilizer Value of Wheat Straw Soil Testing Cover Crops How to Select a Cover Crop Wide-Row Corn with Cover Crops Broadleaf Crops 2016 Cover Crops Report Cover Crop Seeds and Pictures Winter Rye as a Preceding Cover Crop for Dry Bean Cover Crop Webinar Series Prevent Plant Options Selecting a Cover Crop Benefits of Adding Cover Crops to Your Rotation Nitrogen Credit from Cover Crops Cover Crop and Residual Herbicide Information Cover Crops for Wet Field Conditions Irrigation & Tile Drainage Agricultural Drainage Irrigation in North Dakota Chemigation Irrigation Scheduling Irrigation - Frequently Asked Questions Subsurface Water Management Impact of Flooding / Waterlogging on Crop Development Diseases, Insects and Weeds Integrated Pest Management Barley Canola Insect Traps Corn Grasshoppers Soybeans Sunflower Sunflower Insect Traps Wheat Wheat Insect Traps Crop Diseases Abiotic (Non-Infectious) Symptoms in Wheat Brown Stem Rot of Soybeans (BSR) Charcoal Rot of Soybeans Distinguishing Soybean Leaf Diseases Expected Yield Loss from Goss’s Wilt Fungicide Application on Soybean Scouting for Corn Stalk Rot Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) of Soybeans White Mold: Summary of Risk Factors How to Sample for Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) Leaf Discolorations in Corn (08/13/20) Scouting for Clubroot of Canola (08/06/20) Review of Sunflower Rust (07/30/20) Scouting for Dry Edible Bean Rust Small Grain Diseases: Management of Those More Common and Severe in Dry Years Diseases in Drought Years (07/02/20) Insects Clean Up Grain Bins to Reduce Insect Pests Weeds Herbicide Concerns After a Drought Temperature and Herbicide Application Questions Early Season Weed ID Samples: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Herbicides and Hot Weather Scout for and Create Weed Maps Horseweed Kochia Palmer Amaranth Stinkgrass Ragweed Lambsquarters Dandelion Foxtail Barley Waterhemp Weed Control Strategies with Dry Conditions Drought -- When Weeds Can Become Friends Weed Management After a Flood Pesticides Tank Cleanout Procedures (06/18/20) Fumigation Resources Dicamba: Considerations for Dicamba Alternatives (06/11/20) Flooded Pesticides Chlorpyrifos Update (Summer 2022) Which Insecticide is Best for Grasshopper Control? Drying & Storage Corn & Soybeans Wheat and Barley Fans and Energy Efficiency Storage Sunflower, Dry Bean and Canola Events Livestock Tools Backgrounding 550 lb Steers CalfWeb/Cattle Feeding Breakeven Budget CalfWeb/Cattle Feeding Closeout Calculator Cow Herd Budget Tool Projected Fall Cow-Calf Budget Summer Grazing Budget Beef BQA & Health Necropsy – Determining Why a Calf Died What is Beef Quality Assurance BQA Checklist BQA Post Test BQA Pre Test BQA Records Transfer Form Certification Requirements of the North Dakota Beef Quality Assurance Program ND BQA Registration Forms for Recertification NDBQA Producer Manual Recommendations of the NDBQA Program Common Beef Cattle Diseases in North Dakota Getting the Most Out of Your Biologicals Group Animal Health Records Herd Health Issues Individual Animal Health Record Injections NDBQA Program Health Records Pinkeye and Foot Rot a Rancher’s Headache A Producers Guide for Judicious Use of Antimicrobials in Cattle Breeding & Genetics Cold Exposure and Bull Fertility Fall Calving in North Dakota The First 21 Days of Calving Season Schedule Bull Breeding Soundness Exams Prior to Turnout What Does the Future Hold? Cattle Breeding Techniques Assessing Body Condition and Managing Bulls Cow Calf Management Video Early Weaning Beef Calves Nutrition and Feeding Animal Feeding Operations Rules and Regulations Cattle and Cold FeedList Ammoniation of Low-Quality Roughages Assessing and Stretching Forage Supplies Beware of Nitrate Poisoning in Livestock Careful Changes In Diet Help Beef Cattle Cope With Winter Storms Consequences of Underfeeding Beef Cows Evaluating Cow Nutritional Status Feeding Grain to Stock Cows Feeding Straw Integrating Field Crops and Coproducts into Beef Cow Diets May Help Producers in Drought Nutrition for Beef Cows During Winter Weather is Key for Future Calf Crops Pricing Alternative Feeds Principles of Protein Supplementation Short Supply of Hay May Make Grain an Economical Choice for Beef Cow Feed Restrictions on Grazing/Feeding/Haying of Crops Treated with Herbicides Sampling Feeds and Testing for Nutritional Value Creep Feeding Calves Production Options for Pregnancy Diagnosis in Beef Cattle Backgrounding Cattle Bedding in Feedlots Deciding when to sell calves? Calculate the value of additional gain. Opportunities for Feedlot Pen Surface Improvements When to sell calves Yield of Grades of Carcasses Grazing Management Alternative Crops During a Drought Biologically Effective Grazing Management Reduces the Detrimental Effects from Drought Conditions on Grasslands Drought Emergency Grazing Practices will have Costs Next Season Fertilization of Extremely Grazed and Moderately Grazed Mixed-Grass Prairie with Slow Release Phosphorus and Urea Forage Options: Warm-season Grasses Grazing and Feeding Restrictions for Herbicides Livestock Producers have Options for Dealing with Forage Shortage Ranch Management During Drought Soil Health in Relation to Grazing Supplementing Cattle on Drought-affected Pastures and Ranges Sheep Drought Related Livestock Poisoning by Weeds Drought Increases Cyanobacterial Poisoning Risk to Livestock Flock Calendar Outline Glossary of Sheep Terminology Rearing Orphan Lambs Sheep Stress Management Animal Biosecurity Manure Management Managing Odor Nuisance and Dust from Cattle Feedlots Overwintered Cattle May Spread Weed Seeds Water Drought Increases Cyanobacterial Poisoning Risk to Livestock Testing Livestock Water Quality Critical During Drought Livestock Water Quality Test Livestock Water Testing Guidelines Ag Technology Machinery Vertical Tillage Flooded Farm Vehicles and Equipment Standby Electric Generators Precision Ag Computer Controllers Extending Mobile-Mapping Beyond Field-Level Collection NDSU Breeding Programs Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Robots Precision Ag Videos Using Web-based Mapping Crop Sensors LiDAR Technology Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Rules Spotlight on Economics: Economic Lessons From Precision Agriculture in N.D. Using GPS with GIS for Efficient Nutrient Placement Variable Rate Technology Spray Equipment Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Selecting UAS Equipment UAS Rules for Agriculture Selecting Small UAS Equipment Natural Resources Reclamation Water Farm Management N.D. County Rents & Prices North Dakota Custom Rates Agriculture By the Numbers Annie's Project Bioeconomics Crop Economics Crop Budgets Irrigated Crop Budgets Plotting a Course - Planning Prices Crop Insurance Design Your Succession Plan Farm Bill & FSA FSA Webinar Series 2020 Livestock Economics Market Reports Plotting a Course - Planning Prices Ag Buildings Home Water Building Plans Building Plans Abbreviation Key Beef Building plans Construction Building Plans Crops Building Plans Dairy Building Plans Horse Building Plans Housing Building Plans Machinery Building Plans Miscellaneous Building Plans Poultry Building Plans Sheep Building Plans Swine Building Plans Chlorinating a Well and Water System Dry Soil May Cause Building Problems Low-stress Cattle Working Facitlities Video Farm Safety & Health Farm Safety COVID-19 in Agriculture Overview Combine Safety Stop the Bleed Chemical Safety Grain Bin Safety Livestock Safety Preventing Hay Fires Tractor and Road Safety ATV Safety Video Air Seeder and Planter Safety Fueling and Daily Maintenance Safety Hand Signals Livestock on the Road Loader and Skid Steer Safety PTO Safety Roll Over Protection Systems (ROPS) Rules of the Road Safety on Public Roads Tractor and Road Safety Video Series Tractors Require Extra Caution in Winter Which Mask for Which Task Youth Farm Safety Managing Stress Coping With Stress Recognizing Stress Responding as a Community Videos: Managing Stress on the Farm and Ranch Disasters Drought Crops Ammonia Application in a Drought Harvesting Drought-Stressed Small Grains as Forage Drought and Prevent Plating Crop Insurance Fertilization in a Drought Herbicide Carryover Concerns in 2021 Potential for Drought Can Impact Prices and Marketing Plans Irrigation During a Drought Government Programs Livestock Searching for Feeds During Drought Livestock Water Quality Likely to be Impacted by Drought Producers Should Be Prepared for Drought Ranchers Should Consider Water Supply in Drought Plan Reducing Fertilizer Rates in a Drought Select Best Annual Forages During Drought Summer Pneumonia in Calves a Concern Urea Application in a Drought Winter Wheat Vernalization Flood Dealing With Flooding at Your Home Dealing With Flooding on Your Farm or Ranch Flooding and Your Family Preparing For Flooding in Rural Areas Preparing Your Home for Flooding Sandbagging Sump Pumps Cleaning Flooded Wells Cleanup of Oil and Fuel Spills in Agricultural Buildings Associated with Flooding Flooded Wells Need to be Cleaned Winter Weather Research Extension Centers County Extension Offices Variety Trials