Complaint Resolution Process

The complaint resolution process supports our learning environment, contributing to the student’s overall education and the overall safety and care of the NDSU community.

The process protects student rights, and fosters the development of personal accountability and commitment to community.

The process includes these basic components:

  • Receipt of an Incident Report – Incident reports are simply written descriptions of events by reporting parties.  Reports can be filed by anyone using Concern and Complaint form, email, or phone call (701) 231-7701.
  • Investigation (if warranted) – Depending on the nature and scope of the incident, investigations may be conducted by the Dean of Students Office, Equal Opportunity and Title IX Compliance Office, or Residence Life.
  • Notice of alleged violations – This is an email that outlines the portions of the Code that may have been violated.
  • Prehearing conference – This is the first meeting with the hearing officer.  In this meeting the process is explained in detail and students are informed about their rights.
  • Administrative hearing – This is the meeting where the student may share their account of the incident with the hearing officer.  The hearing generally occurs immediately after the prehearing conference, but it can be scheduled for a later time to allow the student to prepare.
  • Notice of Decision – This is an email that outlines the hearing officer’s findings regarding which policies were or were not violated.  If the student is found responsible, it outlines the sanctions and conditions that need to be met moving forward.
  • Right to Appeal – Students have the right to appeal the decision of the hearing officer based on grounds outlined in the Code. 

The information above provides a brief overview of the process components, but complete details may be found in Sections 5-8 of the Code.

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