NDSU Core Values

The core values listed below were selected by a recent strategic planning group and adopted by the University. Our core values detail how we are all expected to behave and make decisions. Living by these values helps us reach our goals and potential, as individuals and as an institution.

Collegiality – Share responsibility for working together in cooperative, considerate, and respectful ways.

Inclusivity – Value the unique skills, experiences, and identities of each person, continuously improving how we involve, develop, empower, and trust one another.

Community – Build a shared identity based on common participation, goals, understandings, traditions, and belonging.

Creativity – Use intellectual and artistic inventiveness to explore many possible ideas, problems, and answers.

Excellence – Work to produce exceptional quality in all endeavors.

Impact – Produce change that benefits the lives of our community members, our state, our country, and our world.

Innovation – Apply ingenuity and invention to produce new knowledge, methods, and products.

Integrity – Actively live by our values and work to fulfill our mission.

Resilience – Recover quickly from adverse situations.

Responsiveness – Adjust quickly and positively to internal and external needs.

Transformation – Create meaningful, positive change in thinking, knowledge, relationships, and action.

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